Analyze automated test run results
After automated tests run, analyze the results at the pipeline, test, or test run level.
In this topic:
Examine failures on specific test runs
After you run a test, you can view the results to see if it succeeded or failed, and why it failed. The following is a list of the primary areas to examine:
The root cause of the failure.
The pipeline run/build in which a specific run failed. For a pipeline-level analysis, use a pipeline run's Tests tab. For details, see Test run details.
Previous run history. This includes seeing when, how frequently, and why the test failed. It also helps you determine whether the failures were a result of one problem, or different problems.
- Error messages and types.
- External tool reports. Examine the external tool report to learn about performance and failures. For example, for LoadRunner Cloud tests, in the Tests tab, click the Testing tool report button to open the detailed report in LoadRunner Cloud.
To view details for a specific failed test:
In the Backlog, Team Backlog, or Quality module, select the Tests tab.
Tip: Select the Latest pipeline run tag to exclude automated tests skipped or removed from the pipeline's latest run. The display includes manual tests, executable automated tests, and automated tests that ran as part of a pipeline's latest run.
If a new pipeline run is in progress, some tests that ran on the previous pipeline run are still included.
Click the ID of a specific automated test.
Select the Runs tab. This tab includes one test run entity for each set of environment settings on which the test ran. Each entity contains detailed information about the last time the test ran with these environment settings and basic information about the previous runs.
Tip: In the test run grid, add the Problem column to see whether the test has a history of unsuccessful runs. For details, see Identify problematic tests.
Click the ID of a specific failed test run.
In the Details tab:
Hover over the Build status icon
to view build failures and details about the build in which this specific run failed, including when the build failure occurred, and the number of tests that passed, failed, or need attention. If at least one test fails, ALM Octane marks the build as Failed.
Check Assigned to to find out who is investigating this failed test.
If you assign someone to investigate the test, this assignment remains on subsequent failed runs of the test. The assignment is cleared when the test passes successfully.
Tip: To have an email notification sent to the person you assign, set Assign to in the Tests tab of a pipeline run. For details, see Expand your test failure analysis.
Click the Testing tool report button
to navigate to the report created by the testing tool that ran the test, when applicable.
Click Open build report or Open test run report to open a report stored on your CI server or elsewhere.
This link is provided if a template was configured for such links on the pipeline step. For details, see Label pipeline steps by job type.
Click the Pipeline links to navigate to the pipeline and to a particular run of the pipeline (marked by #).
Tip: To add the Pipeline links column to the grid, use the Choose columns
In the Error Info section, view the Error message, Error type, and Error details. The Error Info fields are only populated for failed test runs. If the error details are truncated in the fields, click Show all details to display the error details in full view in a new tab.
When a test fails, the failure cause (stack trace) is sent to the server. ALM Octane users can immediately see the reason.
On the top-right of the Details tab, click Show in <source> to view the test results in the CI server.
In the Previous Runs tab:
View a list of previous test runs and related build failure and error information, including message, exception, and stack trace.
Filter the run history per specified failure or error criteria. For example, you can filter by run status to view only failed runs so you can immediately identify and resolve them. You can also filter by time duration, build status, and substrings in error messages, exceptions, and stack traces.
In the tooltip of the previous run, click the Testing tool report link to navigate to the report in the external system that produced this run, when applicable.
Click the link in the Pipeline links column to navigate to the pipeline run and pipeline.
To create a defect for a failed run, click the Report defect button
Examine overall automation test results
In addition to examining a single test's run results, you can view overall status for all the automation test results.
To analyze test results for multiple automation test runs:
Ensure that ALM Octane has discovered and created the automation tests and run results. For details, see Add automated tests.
Open the run results, from:
Area Details Dashboard or Overview tabs of the Backlog and Quality modules Use any Dashboard widget designed to assess quality through test run results.
On the Scope tab of these graphs, ensure that you add a filter using the Subtype attribute with a value of Automated Run.
In addition, add filters for to view automated tests from a specific Pipeline, or a specific Package, Component, or Class.
Pipelines module The main page of the Pipelines module displays per-pipeline information about all the automated tests included in that pipeline. This includes information about the application modules with failed tests, problematic tests in recent runs, and so forth.
Use this information to isolate the automated test run per pipeline and view these run as part of the product build.
See also: