Item attributes

This table describes the attributes that most items in ALM Octane have in common. The attributes are listed in alphabetical order.

Property Description

The Details tab includes the basic information regarding the item, such as the owner, description, planning, and creation date.

The Description area, similar to other memo areas, contain s a full editor. When you click in the text area, a popup toolbar shows the formatting options, such as bold, italic, lists, indents, and table manipulation. You can also add participant to the conversion. Expand the groups to see additional options.

  • To add a hyperlink to this area, click the Link button (you may need to expand a group). The default supported protocols for links are http;https;td;testdirector;mailto. To allow other protocols, admins must add them to the HREF_PROTOCOLS_WHITE_LIST parameter.
  • To add a link to an existing item, click and choose #. Add prefix "w" for work item, "s" for user story, "e" for epic, "f" for feature, "d" for defect, "t" for task, and "r" for requirement. For example, #dtest searches for the string "test" in the existing defects.

View an audit trail of changes to ALM Octane items.


  • The creation date is the date on which the item was entered in ALM Octane. In cases where the item was added via synchronization, this date will be later than the creation date in the original system.

  • If a change was made by an API method, the change is attributed to the authenticated user.

  • If a change was made by a rule, the label (Changed by Rule) is displayed next to the change.


ALM Octane assigns each item a unique identifier (ID) as it creates the item.

The ID's role is to serve as a unique item identifier. The ID numbers do not indicate the order in which entities were created.

ALM Octane holds a sequence of unique IDs to pick from when creating new entities in a shared space. When creating entities in different workspaces of the same shared space, the unique IDs are spread between the workspaces.


The Relations tab allows you to define connections between the selected item and any other workspace item.

ALM Octane creates some relations automatically, such as the links between a test and its runs, or a test and defects detected during its run.

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