DELETE: Delete users 

This topic describes how to use the DELETE operation to delete users from ALM Octane. You can also delete users in accordance with GDPR rules.

The DELETE operation is performed in the site context.

In this topic:

Delete users

This section provides instructions for deleting users.

After deleting a user, you cannot assign the user when working with entities or select the user from any lists, such as when filtering. However user information still exists on the ALM Octane server.

DELETE http[s]://<server>:<port>/admin/users/<id>

Bulk DELETEs are not supported.

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Delete a user in accordance with GDPR

This section provides instructions for deleting a user in accordance with GDPR rules. Bulk DELETEs are not supported.

When using this method, the user's information (such as name, email, first name, last name) is erased, and is replaced with the reference code you provide everywhere in ALM Octane. We recommend that you manage an external file that maps deleted ALM Octane users to reference codes.

DELETE http[s]://<server>:<port>/admin/users/<id>?user_delete_reference_code=<gdpr-reference-code>

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See also: