Entity metadata reference

The ALM Octane public REST API is fully metadata-driven. All entities described by metadata resources can be accessed via the REST API as resource collection.

Note: This API supports only the GET operation.

In this topic:


The table below lists the URIs for the different levels.

Level URI
Workspace level


Shared space level


Site level



  • The URI supports filtering by name.

  • For the syntax for specifying parameters in URIs, see Variables and values.

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Entity Description

The entity name for which the metadata is defined.

Field name: name


Array of features supported by an entity. For a list of the supported features, see Entity features.

Each item is a JSON object.

Field name: features

Description A description of the entity.
Label A label for the entity, typically displayed in the ALM Octane UI.

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Defect entity example

The entities resource returns metadata about the data returned for a member of a collection. The following example shows the metadata for the Defect entity.

            "features": [
                    "parent_types": [
                    "max_depth": 4,
                    "root": {
                        "type": "work_item_root",
                        "id": "1001"
                    "name": "hierarchy",
                    "child_types": []
                    "methods": [
                    "name": "rest",
                    "url": "defects"
                    "name": "mailing",
                    "url": "mails"
                    "name": "attachments",
                    "name": "phases"
                    "name": "subtype_of",
                    "type": "work_item"
                    "name": "user_defined_fields"
                    "name": "comments",
                    "name": "business_rules"
            "name": "defect",
            "description": "A problem detected in the application.",
            "label": "Defect",
            "type": "entity_metadata"

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See also: