Space/workspace overview

A space is a container for workspaces. In a shared space you can configure settings that apply to all its related workspaces.

For details on how site admins manage spaces at the site level, see Manage spaces - site admins.

In this topic:

Access the Settings area

Space and workspace configurations are performed in the Settings area.

To access the Settings area:

  1. On the banner, expand the Settings menu, and select Spaces.

  2. Select a space or workspace to configure:

    • Space. Select a top-level shared or isolated space.

    • Workspace. Expand a space, and select one of the child workspaces.

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Space/workspace hierarchy

Based on your license, your space can be either a shared space or an isolated space .

In a shared space, you can define settings that will be applied to all its workspaces. It allows you to enforce standard processes across all the workspaces. For certain settings, workspaces can implement their own customizations in addition to the ones they inherit.

The table below indicates whether the settings are configured at the space level, the workspace level, or both.

Setting Shared space Workspace
API access  
Document report template  
Email templates  
Entity labels  
Favorites public links  
Flag rules  
Login message  
Configuration parameters  
Purging policy  



Additional settings

The following settings are irregular in their space/workspace relationship.

Configuration Space/workspace

All devops servers are defined at the workspace level.

CD servers can also be created at the shared space level and are inherited by the workspaces.


Users can be added to the system both at the space and the workspace level. Users created in a workspace are automatically added to the space users.

You can also add existing space users to a workspace.

Workdays Can be defined at the space, workspace and team level. The definition at each level overrides that of the higher level.

Shared settings are indicated by the Shared icon.

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Shared items in workspaces

In addition to shared settings, space admins can also create shared items that are available in all the space's workspaces.

Shared items include application modules, epics and environments.

Shared items are marked with the Shared icon.

Permissions. Space admins and users with the Shared Entities Manager role, or any custom role based on that role, have permissions to create, edit, and delete shared items. Other members of a shared space, including workspace admins, have read-only permissions for shared items. For details, see Roles and permissions.

For more details on shared items, see:

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