Document reports
ALM Octane lets you generate document reports for multiple entities. You can customize the details shown in the reports and save them in Word and PDF formats.
In this topic:
- New document reports
- Document report templates
- Customizations and permissions
- Tips and guidelines
- Troubleshooting
New document reports
This section describes how to create a report.
To create a report:
- Click Settings
on the main banner, and select Reports > Document report. The Generate document report window opens.
- If you have a saved template, select it from the Autofill dropdown.
Click the Settings tab. Provide general information for the report:
- Add a title and description.
- Choose whether to show the author and date. By default, this is enabled.
- Provide a file name and format (Word or PDF).
- Set the orientation to portrait (default) or landscape.
Upload a logo. Click the Logo Image placeholder to upload a logo for your report. To edit, remove, or restore the default logo, hover over the logo and expand the menu
. Choose an option: Update, Reset to default, or Remove.
Tip: When you create a new workspace, ALM Octane prompts you to choose a logo and header for your reports.
- Add header and footer text.
In the Content tab, click + Add in the left pane.
- Choose an entity type, such as Defects, Epics, Features, or a Custom section. Each time you make a selection, a new section is added to the report.
Add one of the following special sections:
- Custom section. Use this to add sections with rich text capabilities, such as diagrams, tables, images, and links. It can function as a placeholder for specific report sections to be filled in at a later time. Custom sections can be independent or linked sub-sections, and can be duplicated.
- Widget. Adds one of the built-in or customized widgets. First specify a section header. Then expand the drop downs to select a dashboard favorite and dashboard widget.
In the right pane, for each section, define the following configurations:
- Repeat the above step to add additional sections to the report.
To add a related item as a sub item to a first level entity, hover over the parent entity and click Add
. The drop down contents differ, based on the selected entity.
For the Last Test Runs sub item, you can indicate whether to include descendants. Select the Include test runs of each <entity type>'s descendants option to include all last runs related to the entity or one of its children. Clear the option to show only those last runs directly related to the entity.
- (Optional) Click
in the top banner to save the current configuration as a template.
- Click Generate in the bottom right corner of the dialog box. A message in the banner indicates that your report is being processed.
The generated report is downloaded to your default Downloads folder with the file name you specified in the Settings tab. When the report is ready, the My Work module displays a direct link to the report under the Notifications tab.
Document report templates
In ALM Octane settings, the administrator can create a document report template for each space. This includes a logo, and header and footer text.
To create a report template:
- Click Settings
on the main banner, and select a space.
- Open Defaults > Document report.
Upload a logo and add header and footer text.
This template is used by default when creating a report in the selected space.
Customizations and permissions
Admins can configure document report setting and their permissions in the Settings area or through parameters.
Admin permissions for document report creation
Admins can control the creation of document reports by setting the following permissions in the General System Actions area of the Permissions tab:
Generate a document report
Manage Document Report Configuration
Manage Document Report Contents
Override Default Document Report Format
For details, see Roles and permissions.
Site or space parameters
The following table lists the site and space parameters that admins can use to configure document report settings:
Parameter name | Description |
DOCUMENT_REPORT_READER_PAGE_SIZE | By default, each document report is limited to 1,000 pages. If the document size exceeds 1,000 pages, you can apply a filter to remove some content. |
MAX_CONCURRENT_REPORTS_PER_USER | By default, each user can send a maximum of 5 report requests at a time. Requests for more reports can only be processed after the previously requested reports are generated. |
DOCUMENT_REPORT_LOGO_MAX_SIZE | By default, logo image sizes are limited to 5 MB. |
DOCUMENT_REPORT_LOGO_FILE_EXTENSIONS | The default extensions for logo images are jpg, jpeg, png, and bmp. |
By default, images added to the Custom section as URLs are not embedded in the report. Your admin can enable embedding images, added as URLs, by listing the URL domains in this parameter. |
For details, see Configuration parameters.
Tips and guidelines
The following guidelines apply to the document report:
Linux: To generate PDF and Word files properly, you need to have Arial Unicode MS installed on the server in site\storage\site\fonts or site\storage\sharedspaces\...\fonts. If additional fonts are missing, the admin should add them there. For details on installing fonts, see
To reorder sections in the report, select them in the left pane and drag them to the desired location. In the generated report, the order of the sections corresponds to their order in the Generate document report window.
If you encounter problems embedding widgets in a document report, refer to the troubleshooting methods described in KM000001556. This KB refers to the Share Public Link feature, which uses similar mechanisms as document reports. Rather than the parameters mentioned in the KB, use the following:
If this does not help, contact Support for further instructions.
See also: