Set up a dashboard

Set up one or more dashboards in the Dashboard module to suit your product and team needs.

Dashboards are also available in the Overview tabs of the Backlog, Quality, and Pipelines modules.

Create a dashboard

You create and manage dashboards in the Dashboard module. Each dashboard opens in a tab. You can have up to 10 dashboard tabs open simultaneously, and switch between tabs without losing context.

Choose from several built-in dashboard templates, or create a custom dashboard with your own selection of widgets. You can add up to 30 widgets to a single dashboard.

For details on using dashboard templates, see Dashboard templates.

To create a custom dashboard:

  1. In the Dashboard module, on the toolbar, click + to open a new dashboard tab.
  2. In the new tab, select + Create new dashboard.
  3. Click + Add widget.
  4. In the Widget Gallery, select a pre-configured widget or create a customized widget:
    • To use a pre-configured widget, select a category and a widget within the category.

      Tip: If you are not sure which widget to use, read the widget description to see which questions the widget helps answer.

    • To create a customized widget, click Add custom graph and configure the widget. For details, see Configure widget settings.
  5. Click Add to Dashboard. The widget is added to a new dashboard, and the dashboard tab prompts you to enter a name for the dashboard.

    To change the dashboard name later, click the Edit tab name button in the dashboard tab.

  6. To add another widget, click + Add widget in the dashboard toolbar. Repeat as necessary.

ALM Octane maintains the specific widgets and layout between sessions.

To clear the widgets on the dashboard and start again, click More and select Clear all widgets.

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Configure the dashboard

Change the dashboard layout and placement of widgets, and apply global context filters to all widgets in the dashboard.

You can save changes only to dashboards that you created. When viewing a shared dashboard created by another user, you cannot save your changes. A shared dashboard is indicated by the Shared icon in the dashboard tab.

Tip: To save your changes to a dashboard shared with you, you can duplicate the dashboard and modify the duplicated dashboard. To duplicate a dashboard, in the toolbar, click More and select Duplicate dashboard.

Global context filters

Global context filters affect all widgets with the Global filter setting, as well as new widgets added to the dashboard. You can override the global filter for individual widgets.

The global context filters appear in the dashboard toolbar, above the widgets. To apply global context filters:

Context filter To apply
Release, Sprint, or Milestone
  1. Hover the mouse to the right of the filter field and select the dropdown arrow.
  2. In the dropdown menu, select a filter. The filter appears in the toolbar and is applied to all widgets in the dashboard.

Tip: Active filters appear in blue in the dashboard toolbar. You can deactivate a filter by clicking it.

Date range
  1. Click the Date range field.
  2. Use the dropdown menu to select a predefined date range, or select between, before, or after custom dates.
  3. For custom dates, use the calendar to set the dates.

Change the dashboard layout

To change the dashboard layout, in the dashboard toolbar, click the More buttonand select Change layout. Select your preferred layout for the dashboard widgets, and drag and drop widgets as needed to reposition them.

Note: When the top section of a layout is empty, you will see a large gap enabling you to drag widgets into the section. If you plan to leave it empty, you might want to consider using a different layout.

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Manage dashboards

Use the Manage dashboards dialog box to manage your dashboards and dashboards shared with you.

To open the Manage dashboards dialog box, open a new dashboard tab and click Manage dashboards.

Select a tab on the left side of the dialog box to view a list of dashboards:

Tab Details
My dashboards Dashboards you created, or that were shared with you.
My team dashboards Dashboards shared with your team.
Workspace dashboards Dashboards shared with all members of your workspace.

Tip: You can search, sort, and filter the displayed dashboard list. The search bar, sort and filter buttons are located above the list.

You can perform the following actions to dashboards in the list:

Action Details
Pin Pin the dashboard to the top of the list.

Delete the dashboard.

Note: You can only delete dashboards that you created.
Create a public link

Create a public link to the dashboard.

For details, see Share a dashboard externally.

Share the dashboard with other members of the workspace.

For details, see Share a dashboard.

Copy a link to the dashboard.

Note: This link is only accessible to other members of the workspace. For details, see Share a dashboard.
Load Open the dashboard in the current tab.

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See also: