Download Help Center

The OpenText Software Delivery Management Help Center provides you with comprehensive user assistance. We recommend that you use the online version of the Help Center for the most recent updates available. If your organization has restrictions that prevent you from using the online Help Center, switch to the local mode, and save the Help Center files locally on your OpenText Software Delivery Management server.

Access the local help by default

For users to access the Help Center locally, site admins can do the following: 

  1. Stop the OpenText Software Delivery Management server on the OpenText Software Delivery Management machine.

  2. Download the help package

    Note: For earlier versions, see Earlier Help Center Versions.

    Extract to the following location on the OpenText Software Delivery Management server:

    Operating system Path Default path
    Linux <install_dir>/webapps/root/Help/WebUI /opt/octane/webapps/root/Help/WebUI
    Windows <install_dir>Webapps\root\Help\WebUI C:\Program Files\octane\Webapps\root\Help\WebUI
  3. Start the OpenText Software Delivery Management server.

  4. Open OpenText Software Delivery Management Settings and set the EXTERNAL_HELP_URL configuration parameter to false.

  5. Restart the OpenText Software Delivery Management server.

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Switch back to the Help Center on the cloud

For users to access the Help Center on the cloud, site admins can do the following:

  1. Restart the OpenText Software Delivery Management server on the OpenText Software Delivery Management machine.

  2. Open OpenText Software Delivery Management Settings and set the EXTERNAL_HELP_URL configuration parameter to true.

  3. Restart the OpenText Software Delivery Management server.

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