Java SDK

The OpenText Software Delivery Management SDK consists of a set of Java libraries, a sample project, documentation, and examples to help you integrate.

In this topic:

Get ready

The following requirements and prerequisites are necessary for working with the Java SDK:

  • Java 8.0 and later

Prepare the following items in advance. You need them to work with the Java SDK.

  • The URL of your OpenText Software Delivery Management server.

  • The shared space ID.

  • Workspace IDs.

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Download and install

Download the Java SDK from one of the following locations.

Location Description
Maven You can download the Java SDK libraries and samples from the Maven repositories using project object model (POM) file. Maven includes all dependencies automatically when you download the OpenText Software Delivery Management Java SDK.
GitHub You can download the source files from the GitHub repository. You can also use this method to contribute to the repository.


The SDK comprises the following Maven modules within the main project.

Module Description
sdk-root This is the main root of the SDK. It contains all integration tests, source code, and examples.
sdk-src The root of the main SDK. Add only this module if you only want to consume the SDK.
sdk-integration-tests The module used for running integration tests from the SDK against your OpenText Software Delivery Management instance.
sdk-usage-examples Some simple examples of how to use the SDK.

To work with Maven, add the OpenText Software Delivery Management dependency to your project in your pom.xml file, as described in ALMOctaneJavaRESTSDK.


The SDK repository can be found at:

There you can see information about how to compile the project and create Javadoc.

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To use the Java SDK, you must authenticate, as you would when working directly with the REST API. For details, see Authentication.

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Access Javadocs

Javadocs are HTML documentation generated from Java source code. Javadocs describe: 

  • Classes and methods

  • Parameters and return values

  • Deprecated classes and methods

  • Class hierarchy

If you download from Maven, you can download a pre-packaged jar with the Javadocs inside them from:<version>/sdk-src-<version>-javadoc.jar

Alternatively, if you download the source files from GitHub, you can create the Javadocs yourself. For more information. see the README file on GitHub.

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The sample project

The Java SDK provides a sample project that can be used for practice. The examples here are based on this sample project.

Access the sample project

To access the sample project, enter this URL:

Familiarize yourself with the sample project

Open the project in OpenText Software Delivery Management and become familiar with the data and entities.

Sample Description

This example shows out to create the context in which the REST API functions operate.

  • Authentication can be by user and password, or by API access key. This example demonstrates authentication by user and password. All subsequent REST API actions are performed only if this user has the appropriate permissions.

  • The example then sets the URL for the OpenText Software Delivery Management server, the space, and workspace.

  • Next, a basic get is performed for all defects in this context.

This example demonstrates how to work with entities using the REST API. For demo purposes, the example works with defects, but the same examples can be used with other entities.

  • GET the values for a specific defect whose ID is 2010.

  • Filter the values by creation time.

  • Specify which fields to display and in what order.

  • Query all entities whose IDs are equal to the string 2.

  • Perform a cross-filter query

This example demonstrates how to get metadata for all fields.

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See also: