What's New

Check out the new features and improvements in Performance Center (also known as LoadRunner Enterprise).


  • To improve the customer experience and provide more optimized search, the Performance Center help for versions 12.60-12.63 has been streamlined into a single version. Any version specific changes are indicated where relevant.

  • Performance Center uses various LoadRunner tools. For details of what's new in LoadRunner, see the LoadRunner What's New.

  • See here for hotfixes: Performance Center Release Information.

What's New videos

Watch the Performance Center What's New videos:

What's New in 12.62

What's New in 12.60

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What's New in Performance Center 12.63


Analysis includes various performance improvements, including:

  • Faster overall time for analyzing results.

  • Support added to analyze larger results sets.

Test initialization

Initialization time for starting a test has improved.

CI/CD integrations The Azure DevOps/TFS plugin is now supported in the cloud using Azure DevOps Services. For details, see Performance Center and Azure DevOps (previously TFS/VSTS).

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What's New in Performance Center 12.62

Dockerized Controller hosts

Added support for elastic provisioning and de-provisioning of Controller hosts on Windows. For details, see Manage elastic hosts.

Note: Support for dockerized Controllers is provided as a tech preview feature.

Load generator Agent enhancements

To support testing UI-based protocols, you can run Vusers in an interactive RDP session while the agent remains as a service. For details, see Run Vusers in an interactive RDP session.

CA APM integration

Added support for integrating monitoring data from CA Application Performance Management (APM), providing information on the availability and performance of software applications. For details, see CA APM monitor.

CI/CD integrations Released the following plugin updates:
SCM integrations

We've added support for integrating Performance Center with Git via Jenkins. You can now:

  • Synchronize scripts by uploading LoadRunner and JMeter scripts stored in a GitHub repository to a Performance Center project.

  • Synchronize tests from YAML files saved in a GitHub repository to a Performance Center project (available with 12.61 and later).

  • Create tests from YAML input added to a field within the Jenkins job configuration, and then run the tests (available with 12.61 and later).

For details, see Performance Center and Git.

Report enhancements

Ability to track license consumption on monthly/weekly basis by exporting a Vuser script's protocol usage information to a CSV file. For details, see Export Reports.

TruWeb protocol

Added support for Pacing runtime settings and the Command Line option for TruWeb scripts. See Runtime Settings and Command Line.

Note: The TruWeb protocol is provided as a tech preview feature.


Added support for provisioning settings for dockerized load generators.

  • Ability to retrieve a list of Docker images available to the project. For details, see Get Docker Host Image.

  • Ability to configure provisioning settings (ElasticLoadGeneratorConfiguration) for a test when using a dockerized load generator. For details, see test entity XML.

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What's New in Performance Center 12.60-12.61

Load generator enhancements

We've made the following enhancements to elastic and manually configured dockerized load generators:

  • Elastic load generators. Added support for elastic provisioning and de-provisioning of Windows and Linux load generator resources using Docker Swarm. Provisioning load generators using Swarm is in addition to Kubernetes that was introduced in Performance Center 12.56. For details, see Set up elastic hosts on Windows or Linux containers.

    Note: Support for Swarm orchestrators is provided as a tech preview feature.

  • Manually configured dockerized load generators. A dockerized load generator image (for Web (HTTP/HTML) and Java protocols) is now available for Windows platforms, in addition to Linux. For details, see Manually configure dockerized hosts.

    Note: The Windows dockerized load generator image is provided as a tech preview feature.

Performance Center and Administration modernization

We've made usability and UI improvements to Performance Center and Performance Center Administration.

Script enhancements

We've made the following script enhancements:

Analysis and reporting enhancements

Added integration with InfluxDB to store online summary data in one centralized location. The benefits include:

  • Easy access to live and post-run data.

  • Enables mashing up Performance Center data with other data vendors.

  • Using third-party dashboards, such as Grafana, to easily visualize the data.

For details, see Manage analysis servers.

Email alerts

Ability to set email alerts on tests, timeslots, and hosts per project, in addition to releasing idle timeslot automatically. For details, see Activate alerts.

Goal-oriented scheduler

Added support for Goal-oriented run mode. You define the goals you want your test to achieve and Performance Center automatically builds a schedule for you based on these goals. For details, see Distribute Vusers by goal.

Recurrent timeslots

Added support for creating recurrent timeslots (up to 30 recurrences). For details, see Create a recurring timeslot.

Network Virtualization

Network Virtualization for Performance Testing no longer requires a license and is provided for free as part of Performance Center and LoadRunner. For details, see Network Virtualization Overview.

TruWeb protocol

Performance Center now includes the TruWeb protocol, the next generation Web/HTTP protocol, providing a lightweight, scalable, cross-platform solution using a brand new JavaScript SDK and engine. See TruWeb Protocol.

Note: The TruWeb protocol is provided as a tech preview feature.

Entity unlocker

Added the Entity Unlocker tool which enables you to easily recover disconnected sessions. For details, see Download Applications dialog box.


Performance Center’s support for API testing now includes the following updates:

  • Create a goal-oriented schedule. Now you can decide which goals you want the test to reach, and Performance Center automatically builds a schedule for you based on these goals. For details, see test entity XML.

  • User authentication. You can get a list of domains or projects for the authenticated user. For details, see Authentication.

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See also: