Project response

The fields in the response are:

VusersLimit The maximum number of Vusers available to the project.
PoolIDID of the project's host pool.
ConcurrentRunsLimitThe maximum number of concurrent test runs allowed within a project.


The project's ID.

MachineLimit The total number of hosts (Controller + load generators) reserved for a timeslot may not exceed this limit.

The maximum number of Vusers that a project can run at once within a 24 hour period (the Virtual User Flex Day). The total number used by all of the project's concurrent performance tests must not exceed this limit.

NameThe name of the project.
DomainThe domain in which the project was created.
ProjectStateThe state of the project (Active, Inactive, InactiveLab, Deleted).


(Optional - if ?include=user-roles added to the request)


  • UserName. The user's name.

  • UserID. The user's ID.

  • Role. The name of the role assigned to the user. For the list of roles available in the project, see the Users page in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

See Also

Get all Projects
Get or update project by project ID
Get projects by Query