Use the PPM Workbench: what users need to know

This section provides information that users require to start the PPM Workbench on client machines, and how to address JVM-related problems that can arise on client machines.

In this topic:

Install and configure Java plug-in on client machines

The server.conf file contains the JAVA_PLUGIN_XPI_PATH parameter associated with the Java plug-in to specify the web location to download the cross-platform Java plug-in installer for Firefox browsers. The default setting for this parameter is

Note: Normally it is not recommended to set this parameter. The XPI is installed if you install JRE. To download and install JRE, go to the Oracle web site:

However, if needed, you can go to the following address to find the specific web location for downloading the .xpi file for your Firefox browser:

Note: Normally it is not recommended to set this parameter. The XPI is installed if you install JRE. To download and install JRE, go to

However, if needed, you can go to the following address to find the specific web location for downloading the .xpi file for your Firefox browser:

For information about the Java plug-in supported for the current PPM version, see the System Requirements and Compatibility Matrix. For information about server configuration parameters, see PPM Configuration parameters.

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Set the default web browser

To run the PPM Workbench interface as an application, you must specify the default browser setting in your user profiles.

To set the default browser setting:

  1. From the shortcut bar in the PPM Workbench, select Edit>User Profiles.

  2. On the General tab, in the Default Browser field, type the full path of the default web browser.

If access to a URL is required, the PPM Workbench uses the default Web browser.

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Start the PPM Workbench on a client machine

To start the PPM Workbench on a client machine:

From the menu bar, click Open > Administration > Open Workbench to start the PPM Workbench from the PPM standard (HTML) interface.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If a pop-up blocker is installed and enabled on the Web browser, the PPM Workbench cannot open. The user can configure the blocker to enable pop-ups from PPM.

  • If the user is stuck on Verifying Installation screen or sees the message "Unable to launch the application", the user probably needs to configure the Java plug-in add-on in your Windows Internet Explorer browser to allow access to PPM Workbench.

    To configure Java plug-in add-on:

    1. In the Internet Explorer, click Tools > Manage Add-ons.

      The Manage Add-ons window displays.

    2. Locate the Java Plug-in 1.7.0 add-on.

      The details for the add-on display. If the add-on is disabled, click Enable.

    3. Click More Information link in the details section.

    4. In the You have approved this add-on to run on the following websites box, type *.

    5. Click Close twice.

  • When open PPM Workbench in 64-bit Internet Explorer by clicking
    Open > Administration > Open Workbench, you are prompted to install Java plug-in 1.7.0. After installing the Java Plug-in by following the screen instructions, you still receive prompt asking you to install Java plug-in 1.7.0.

    This is because Oracle provides automatic installation kit for 32-bit Java Plug-in 1.7.0 only. To install the 64-bit Java plug-in 1.7.0, go to Oracle website, manually download and install the 64-bit Java plug-in 1.7.0.

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Troubleshoot default JVM problems on client machines

If the Java plug-in sets itself as the default JVM for the browser, users can encounter the following problems in the PPM Workbench:

  • The PPM Workbench displays a "class not found" exception error.

  • Problems occur because other applications you are using require different versions of the Java plug-in.

To resolve these issues, make sure that an installed Java plug-in is not specified as the default.

To remove the default browser association to the Java plug-in:

  1. Open the Windows control panel.

  2. Double-click the Java Plug-in icon.

    The Java Plug-in Control Panel window opens.

  3. Click the About tab.

    This tab lists the Java plug-in that PPM uses, as well as any other Java plug-ins installed.

  4. Click the Browser tab.

  5. Under Settings, deselect the checkbox (or checkboxes) for the installed browser (or browsers).

  6. Click Apply.

    The Java Control Panel displays a message to indicate that you must restart the browser(s) to apply your changes.

After you make this change, other applications can use the Java plug-in version they require, and the PPM Workbench functions correctly.

Tip: If you encounter issues while downloading the PPM Workbench, try refreshing the Applet cache and deleting the temporary internet files.

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