Financial data tables in requests
A request can have financial data table when its request type has configured a financial data table field. The request types can be, but are not limited to request types for lifecycle entities (the PFM - Proposal, PFM - Project, and PFM - Asset request types).
This section provides a brief introduction to financial data tables and summarizes what you can do with financial data tables.
Overview of financial data tables
Financial data tables are provided to allow your business to consolidate and track financial information that is related to a request and that, in the case of lifecycle entities, should not be part of the financial summary.
For example, you can use financial data tables to do the following:
Track indirect costs and/or benefits
Create multiple forecasts for a new request
Track a breakdown of costs by factors that are not available in a financial summary
Enable financial data table field
Admin task
PPM request types are not provided with fields for financial data tables by default.
To make the financial data table field available in a request, administrators should add a custom field in the request type, set its Validation to CST - Financial Data Table, and set its Search Validation to CST - Search Financial Data on the Attributes tab. The custom field can have any appropriate name such as Alternative Data or Indirect Costs.
For details, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide.
What you can do with financial data tables
The types of data in a request's financial data table are a subset of the types of data in a financial summary for a lifecycle entity.
The following table lists what you can do with financial data tables.
Action | Details |
Create a financial data table for a request | See Creating a Financial Data Table. |
Toggle currency display in a financial data table |
Use the Display Currency in toggle to select one of the following currencies:
View financial totals |
View financial totals over all periods in the Summary section. For description of the totals, see View financial totals from financial summary. |
Add and edit costs |
Similar to how you add and edit costs in a financial summary. For details, see Add and edit costs. |
Add and edit benefits |
Similar to how you add and edit benefits in a financial summary. For details, see View, add, and edit benefits. |
Export a financial data table to Excel |
Similar to how you export a financial summary to Excel. For details, see Export financial summaries to Excel. |
Configure access for a financial data table |
Similar to how you configure access for a financial summary. Exceptions: The View Approved Budget, Edit Approved Budget, and Set Plan of Record access rights are not applicable to financial data tables. For details, see Configure access for financial summary. |
Financial data table for one or more projects created from a proposal
When a proposal becomes a project, by default any financial data tables in the proposal are copied to the project. Both forecasts and actuals are copied. The project's financial data table is editable and the proposal's financial data table becomes non-editable.
Note: Copying the financial data table requires that the administrator configure the proposal request type and the project request type to have matching tokens for the financial data table fields.
Based on your business needs, for example to implement an approved proposal as separate projects across various business units, a workflow can be configured to create multiple projects from a single proposal at different workflow steps. In this case, the financial summaries and financial data tables for the projects are as follows:
- For the first project that is created, the financial data table is copied in its entirety from the proposal wherever tokens match as described previously.
- For projects created after the first project, the same financial data table fields as in the proposal are present in the projects, but no financial data tables are copied from the proposal to those project fields.
Financial data table for an asset created from a project
When an asset is created from a project, the financial data table of the project is copied to the asset. Both forecasts and actuals are copied. The asset's financial data table is editable and the project's financial data table becomes non-editable.
Note: Copying the financial data table requires that the administrator configure the project request type and the asset request type to have matching tokens for the financial data table fields.