Configure portfolio Financials tab

Configure who has the access to view and edit a portfolio's costs, benefits, and budget, as well as select the budgeting strategy for the portfolio.

In this topic:

Configure Financials tab for a portfolio

You can configure the Financials tab for portfolios that use a certain portfolio type, or for a single portfolio.

To configure the Financials tab:

  1. To configure the Financials tab for portfolios that use a specific portfolio type, open the portfolio type.

    To configure the Financials tab for a specific portfolio, open the portfolio, click ... > Portfolio Settings in the top-right corner.

  2. In the Tabs section, click the settings icon on the Financials tab.

    Note: The settings icon is available only when you select to display the Financials tab in a portfolio by dragging the tab to the Selected Tabs area. For details, see Set up portfolio tabs.

  3. In the Portfolio Financials Security section, configure users or security groups that can view or edit the portfolio's costs, benefits, and budget:

    1. To add a user, click Add User.

      To add a security group, click Add Security Group.

    2. Select users or security groups.

      The portfolio managers are by default given the view and edit costs, benefits, and approved budget access rights and these access rights cannot be removed.

    3. Assign access rights to the user or group as needed.

      • If you assign the Edit Costs access right to a user or group, the View Costs access right is also assigned.

      • If you assign the Edit Benefits access right to a user or group, the View Benefits access right is also assigned.

      • If you assign the Edit Approved Budget access right to a user or group, the View Approved Budget access right is also assigned.

      • For details of each access right, see Portfolio financials permissions.

      Available only in the Create Portfolio Type and Modify Portfolio Type pages. If you allow portfolio managers to override the financial security settings in their portfolios, enable the Allow portfolio manager to override the following settings option. Otherwise, portfolio managers cannot edit the financial security settings in their portfolios.

  4. In the Portfolio Budgeting Strategy section, choose a budgeting strategy for the portfolio. See Portfolio budgeting strategy for details.

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Portfolio financials permissions

The accesses to view and edit costs, benefits, and approved budget in a portfolio's Financials tab are controlled by the access rights and the access grants.

The following table lists what users with an access right can do and what access grants are required for that access right to work.

Access right Description
View Costs

Allows the user to view a portfolio's forecast and actual costs.

The user must also have one of the following:

  • The View Costs on Financial Summary access grant

  • The Edit Actuals on Financial Summary access grant

  • The Edit Forecasts on Financial Summary access grant

    Note: This access right is not required if the user has the View Costs on All Financial Summaries access grant, the Edit Actuals on All Financial Summaries access grant, or the Edit Forecasts on All Financial Summaries access grant.

Edit Costs

Allows the user to edit a portfolio's forecast and actual costs (add, update, and delete cost lines).

  • To edit the forecast costs, the user must also have the Edit Forecasts on Financial Summary access grant.

  • To edit the actual costs, the user must also have the Edit Actuals on Financial Summary access grant.

Note: This access right is not required if the user has the Edit Actuals on All Financial Summaries access grant or the Edit Forecasts on All Financial Summaries access grant.

View Benefits

Allows the user to view a portfolio's forecast and actual benefits.

The user must also have one of the following:

  • The View Financial Benefits access grant

  • The Edit Financial Benefits access grant

Note: This access right is not required if the user has the View All Financial Benefits access grant or the Edit All Financial Benefits access grant.

Edit Benefits

Allows the user to edit a portfolio's benefits (add, update, and delete benefit lines).

The user must also have the Edit Financial Benefits access grant.

Note: This access right is not required if the user has the Edit All Financial Benefits access grant.

View Approved Budget

Allows the user to view a portfolio's approved budget.

The user must also have one of the following:

  • The View Costs on Financial Summary access grant

  • The Edit Actuals on Financial Summary access grant

  • The Edit Forecasts on Financial Summary access grant

Note: This access right is not required if the user has the View Costs on All Financial Summaries access grant, the Edit Actuals on All Financial Summaries access grant, or the Edit Forecasts on All Financial Summaries access grant.

Edit Approved Budget

Allows the user to add entries to the approved budget to the portfolio.

The user must also have the following:

  • Edit Approved Budget access grant.
  • Access to view the portfolio's costs (see the View Costs access right at the beginning of this table).

Note: This access right is not required if the user has the Edit Approved Budget on All Financial Summaries access grant.

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Portfolio budgeting strategy

The following table describes how budget is managed under different budgeting strategies:

Budgeting strategy How budget is managed
Top-down budgeting

Under a top-down budgeting strategy, budget is managed as follows:

  1. Portfolio managers estimate the cost that can cover the portfolio and its contents, and update the budget for the portfolio.
  2. Portfolio managers estimate the cost of each portfolio content, and allocate the budget to the content.
  3. If allowed, managers of portfolio contents can add budget in the content level.

Top-down budgeting strategy includes the following option: Allow adding budget in the portfolio content level.

  • When you enable this option, managers of portfolio contents can add budget in the portfolio content level, if, for example, they find budget allocated from the portfolio is not enough.
  • When you disable this option, portfolio contents can get budget only from the portfolio.
Bottom-up budgeting

Under a bottom-up budgeting strategy, the budget is managed as follows:

  1. Portfolio managers estimate the cost of the portfolio, and update the budget for the portfolio.
  2. Managers of portfolio contents estimate the cost of the contents, and update the budget for the contents.
  3. The budget of portfolio's contents is rolled up to the portfolio.

Available only in the Create Portfolio Type and Modify Portfolio Type pages. If you allow portfolio managers to override the financial security settings in their portfolios, enable the Allow portfolio manager to override the following settings option. Otherwise, portfolio managers cannot edit the financial security settings in their portfolios.

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See also: