Portfolio backlog views

This topic describes the options available in each view of the portfolio Backlog tab.

In this topic:

Plain list view

You can do the following in the Plain list view of the Backlog tab:

Action Details
Add portfolio contents

You can add contents to a portfolio. For details, see Add portfolio contents.

Inline edit backlog items

You can edit backlog items directly in the Plain List view without opening the backlog item's details page.

To inline edit a backlog item:


  • The Enable Inline Editing in Portfolio Backlog feature toggle is turned on.
  • You have the view access grant to the portfolio.
  • To edit an entity, you must have the edit access right to it.
  1. Select the Plain List view in the portfolio Backlog tab.
  2. Click the target row that you want to edit.

  3. Click a field that you want to edit and make the changes.

    • You can edit the following fields: Name, Strategic Theme, the auto-complete-list fields (validated by: List, SQL-Custom, and SQL-User), the drop-down-list fields (validated by: List and SQL), alphanumeric text field, and alphanumeric text area.

      If you inline edit an entity's strategic theme, only the active strategic themes are available for selection.

    • For the SQL-User and SQL-Custom validated auto-complete-list fields and SQL-validated drop-down-list fields, if sqltokens other than SYS.USER_ID, FILTER_FIELD_SQ, or IS_FILTER_FIELD_SQL_EMPTY are used, then these fields are not editable.

    • If a field is set to non-editable in the status dependencies, or the field attribute is set to display-only, then you cannot edit these fields.
  4. Click anywhere outside the row to save the changes.

Known issues in inline editing

  • An empty field can still be saved when a UI rule is defined to make this field required.
  • If a field has some same values, these values are not differentiated. For example, different project managers may have the same user name. So, when you inline edit such field, you cannot tell which one is the target value.

    If such field allows multi-select and some of the same values are selected, when you edit this field, upon saving, the values listed on top are saved.

Group backlog items

To group backlog items:

  1. Click the group button .
  2. In the Group By window, click Add Group Field, and select a field to group by. You can select up to three fields to group contents by multiple layers.
  3. Click OK.

Filter backlog items

To filter backlog items:

  1. Click to show the filter pane.
  2. Click Add Filter.
  3. Select a field, and define filter condition based on the field values.
Sort backlog items

To sort the data by a column, click the column title. The data is sorted by the column in ascending order.

To sort the data in descending order, click the column title twice.

Configure displayed columns

Click and select the columns that you want to show. Drag the columns to change their positions.

To pin a column, hover over the column, click the down arrow, and click Pin Left.

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Hierarchy view

You can do the following in the Hierarchy view of the Backlog tab:

Action Details
Add portfolio contents

See Add portfolio contents.

Move portfolio contents

See Move portfolio contents.

Remove portfolio contents

See Remove portfolio contents.

Filter backlog items

See Filter backlog items.

Sort backlog items

See Sort backlog items.

Configure displayed columns

See Configure displayed columns.

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Board view

This section describes how to work with Backlog tab's Board view .

Change board layout

You can change the board layout according to your needs.

To change the board layout:

  1. Open a portfolio backlog in Board view.
  2. Click to open the Change Board Layout page.

  3. Select values for the Column and Swim Lane fields.

    Which fields can be used as Column and Swim Lane?

    • Type, Program, Portfolio, Status, Strategic Theme (or the name customized in your organization), Overall Health, Cost Health, Schedule Health, and Issue Health
    • The single-select list-validated auto-complete-list and list-validated drop-down-list fields that are selected in the Configure Portfolio and Scenario Comparison Options page
    • The Swim Lane can be blank
  4. Click Save.

  5. To change the position of a column, drag the column header to the left or right.

  6. To change the position of a swim lane, drag the swim lane up or down.

Inline edit portfolio contents

You can edit backlog items directly in Board view without opening backlog item's details page.

To inline edit backlog items in Board view:


  • The Enable Inline Editing in Portfolio Backlog feature toggle is turned on.
  • You have the view access grant to the portfolio.
  • To edit an entity, you must have the edit access right to it.

Drag and drop a backlog item to a different column or swim lane to edit its information.

For example, if you drag a backlog item from the "Strategic Theme A" column to the "Strategic Theme B" column, the backlog item's strategic theme is changed from "Strategic Theme A" to "Strategic Theme B".

You can drag backlog items between columns in the same swim lane, between swim lanes under the same column, or to a different column in a different swim lane.

You can edit the following fields: Strategic Theme, the single-select list-validated auto-complete-list fields, and list-validated drop-down-list fields. If a field is set to non-editable by the status dependencies, or the field attribute is set to display only, then you cannot edit this field.

Note: If a portfolio has subportfolios, when you edit the strategic theme of a backlog item in the Board view, be aware of the following:

  • The strategic themes of the parent portfolio and all levels of its subportfolios are listed.
  • You can only select the strategic themes of the portfolio to which the backlog item directly belongs.
  • If the strategic themes of different portfolios have the same name and color, only one is displayed. In this case, all these portfolios' direct entities can use this strategic theme.

Known issues

See Known issues in inline editing.

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Roadmap view

This section introduces the Roadmap view and the actions available in the view.

Information provided in Roadmap view

The Roadmap view provides you with the following information:

Information Description
What initiatives your portfolio is focusing on during a time period

The Roadmap view includes a Gantt chart. Along the top is a timeline (fiscal periods are used for timeline) .

The portfolio backlog items that have Planned Start Period and Planned Finish Period specified are displayed as pipelines.

Use Duration Type to change the time period type: years, quarters, months, or weeks.

Which strategic themes your portfolio is serving for

If a backlog item is aligned with a portfolio strategic theme, the pipeline is displayed in the strategic theme color.

From the pipeline color, you can quickly know what strategic themes your portfolio is aligned with.

View the duration, progress, and milestones of the projects

Hover over the pipeline of a project, you can see the name, manager, duration, and progress of the project. Click the name link to open the project details page.

Hover over a milestone, you can see the name, planned finish date, actual finish date, and owners of the milestone.

Click the Legend on the bottom-right of the screen to view the explanations.

Roadmap view actions

You can do the following in Roadmap view of the Backlog tab:

Option Details
Group backlog items

See Group backlog items.

Filter backlog items

See Filter backlog items .

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Tab layouts

This section describes how data is displayed in the Backlog tab and how it is controlled by the layout settings.

Layout settings

A layout controls the following:

  • Which view is used
  • Displayed columns
  • Column width
  • Column sequence
  • Group-by fields
  • Filters
  • Sorting

Default layout

For every portfolio, the default layout of the Backlog tab is either inherited from its portfolio type, or set by the portfolio managers if they are allowed to override the portfolio type settings. Upon portfolio creation, the default layout is added automatically in the favorite view, named Default. For details about setting default layout, see Set backlog default layout.

If you open a portfolio for the first time, the backlog is displayed in the default layout. You can change the layout as you prefer.

If you then go to another portfolio of the same portfolio type using the same browser, the backlog of that portfolio is displayed in the same layout as the most recently viewed portfolio.

If you then go to another portfolio of a different portfolio type using the same browser, the backlog is displayed in its default layout.

Personal favorite layout

You can add your personal favorite layout. The favorite layout you added or removed in one portfolio is added or removed accordingly in all the other portfolios that you can view. You can only view and apply the favorite layout that is added by you.

To add personal favorite layout:

  1. In the top-right corner of the Contents tab, click .
  2. Click Add Favorite View, provide a name for the view, and click Save.

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