Manage program contents

You can include contents in a program.

In this topic:

Add contents to a program

You can add projects, proposals and assets to a program.

To add contents to a program:

  1. Go to the Overview tab of the Program Overview page.
  2. In the Content section, click Add.

  3. In the Add New Program Content window, do one of the following:

    • Add by name.

      1. In the Add Specific Items section, click the icon next to the text box of the lifecycle entity you want to search.
      2. Select the entities by name and click OK.

      3. The entities you selected appear in the text box. Click Add to add these entities to the program.
    • Add by criteria.

      1. In the Search For Program Content To Add section, specify the search criteria.
      2. Click Search.
      3. Select the entities to add to the program, and click Add.

    Entities available for selection

    The entities available for selection vary depending on whether the program has Portfolio Management enabled and whether the Add Same Entity to Multiple Portfolio Hierarchies feature toggle is enabled or not, as described in the table below:

    Program setting Available entities

    Portfolio Management enabled

    • When the Add Same Entity to Multiple Portfolio Hierarchies feature toggle is turned off, the lifecycle entities listed for selection are those that do not belong to a portfolio or another program that has Portfolio Management enabled.

      If a lifecycle entity is added to a portfolio or to a program that has Portfolio Management enabled but the portfolio or program is not saved, then that lifecycle entity is still available for selection until the portfolio or program is saved.

    • When the Add Same Entity to Multiple Portfolio Hierarchies feature toggle is turned on, the lifecycle entities listed for selection are those that do not belong to a program or portfolio that is in the same portfolio hierarchy as the current program.

    Portfolio Management not enabled

    All lifecycle entities are listed.
  4. Adding lifecycle entities to the program is saved automatically.

    For projects added to the program, their project type names are included in the Type column.

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Remove program contents

You can remove contents from a program.

To remove contents from a program:

  1. Select one or more lifecycle entities (use Shift + Click or Ctrl + Click to select more than one entity).

  2. Click Remove.

  3. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.

To view closed content that is part of the program (closed content has a status of closed, completed, or cancelled), select the Include Closed checkbox. By default, closed content is not displayed in the Content section.

When you view a proposal, project, or asset that is added in a program, the Associated Programs field lists the programs to which the entity is associated. The programs displayed are the programs to which you have View Programs.

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Group and ungroup program contents

You can organize the rows by grouping them under headings that match the various values in any particular column.

To group program contents:

  1. Hover your mouse over the column heading that you want to use to group program contents.
  2. Click the triangle in the column heading, and click Group by <column name>.

To ungroup program contents:

After the groupings are established, an additional Ungroup option appears when you click the triangle in any column. Click Ungroup to remove the grouping.

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Add and remove columns for program contents

You can add columns to and remove columns from the Content section of the Program Overview page.

To add and remove columns:

  1. Right-click the column heading row.
  2. To add a column, select the column name.

    To remove a column, deselect the column name.

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