Overview of Configuring Environment Groups

Environment groups are configured in the Environment Group window. The following lists the main areas found in the Environment Group window:

  • General information: Includes basic information concerning the environment group, such as the environment group name and description. For more information, see Opening Environment Group Workbench.

  • Environments: Use to add existing Deployment Management environments to an environment group.

  • Host: Lists basic information about the client, server, and database for the associated environments. For more information, see Creating Environment Groups .

  • Application Codes: Lists basic information about the application codes linked to the associated environments.

  • Serial Execution Order: Displays the order in which environments are acted on. For more information, see Setting Order of Executions.

  • Ownership: Configure who can edit the environment group. For more information, see Setting Ownership and Participants for Environment Groups.

  • User Access: Configures participants in the environment group. Participants can be given specific access rights to the environment group. For more information, see Adding Participants to Environment Groups.