Adding Columns to the Program Overview Page

If the COST_CAPITALIZATION_ENABLED server configuration parameter is set to true and if the financial summary settings for the program also enable separate tracking of capital and operating costs, the following columns are available to all users to add to the Program Overview page:

  • Approved Budget (subordinate to Capital Cost in the list of selectable columns)

  • Approved Budget (subordinate to Operating Cost in the list of selectable columns)

On the other hand, if the COST_CAPITALIZATION_ENABLED server configuration parameter is set to false or if the financial summary settings for the program disable separate tracking of capital and operating costs, the following column is available to all users to add to the Program Overview page:

  • Approved Budget

For information about how to add columns to the Program Overview page, see the Program Management User Guide.

Changed Column Names

The following column names have been changed on the Program Overview page:

  • In the Program Costs section, Planned is renamed Forecast.

  • In the Content section:

    • Planned Labor is renamed Forecast Labor.

    • Planned Non-Labor is renamed Forecast Non-Labor.

    • Planned Total is renamed Forecast Total.