Setting Idle Time for Edit Time Sheet Page

You might spend long time entering data in the Edit Time Sheet page. However, PPM would regard this as inactivity and then terminate your session. You can use the following parameter to set the duration you can stay idle in this page. This helps prevent data loss because of inactivity.

Parameter Description, Usage Values
TIMESHEET_KEEPALIVE_MAX_ IDLE_TIME You use this parameter to specify the duration (in minutes) that you can stay idle on the Edit Time Sheet page before your session starts to time out.

Default value: 180

Valid value: positive integer

The KINTANA_SESSION_TIMEOUT parameter, which specifies the time to elapse before a user session times out, still takes effect when you use the above parameter. They work together in the following way:

  • When the value of TIMESHEET_KEEPALIVE_MAX_ IDLE_TIME is greater than 0, you can stay idle Edit Time Sheet page for the specified duration. After the duration ends, the session times out when the time specified by KINTANA_SESSION_TIMEOUT is up.

    In this case, as long as you are not idle in these pages performing actions like clicking the mouse and pressing keys, your session will not time out because PPM keeps the session alive.

  • When the value of TIMESHEET_KEEPALIVE_MAX_ IDLE_TIME is 0, KINTANA_SESSION_ TIMEOUT works in the Edit Time Sheet page as it does in other PPM pages: your session times out if no requests are sent from the browser to the server for a duration equal to or greater than the KINTANA_SESSION_TIMEOUT value.