Using the Integration of PPM with Release Control

ALM provides the ALM - Releases portlet to facilitate the release request process (see Release management portlets to display KPIs). If PPM and Release Control are integrated, for each release request you can click the Click to View link in the View Impact column in the portlet to log in to Release Control. When you log in, Release Control displays the Overview tab and other tabs. The information displayed for the selected change request includes the following, for example:

  • The "service desk application" from which the request originated. From the perspective of Release Control, PPM is a service desk application in this context.

  • On the Request Details tab, the request ID number of the original change request, with a link to open the change request in PPM.

  • On the Request Details tab, the planned and actual start and end times for execution of the request.

  • On the Overview tab, the number of configuration items (CIs) and applications that are affected by the request, with links that access the Impact Analysis tab, where details of the affected CIs and applications are displayed.

  • On the Collaboration tab, the communication among users regarding action items.

If PPM is integrated with Release Control and with Universal CMDB, you can click the Launch Release Control button in the Impacted Configuration Items section of an ALM - Request for Change (RFC) request in PPM to access Release Control.