(Optional) Generate Redirect URL Based On Server Configuration Parameter BASE_URL

If you enable reverse proxy, you would also need to enable generating correct redirect URL to avoid potential http redirection issues.

To enable generating redirect URL, set the server configuration parameter SCHEME_BASED_REDIRECT_FILTER_ENABLED in server.conf to true (default).

Setting the SCHEME_BASED_REDIRECT_FILTER_ENABLED parameter to true enables the SchemeBasedRedirectFilter. The SchemeBasedRedirectFilter generates a correct redirect URL by adding the BASE_URL value as prefix to the redirect URL, such that every redirect URL starts with scheme
(http/https) and the same base URL, and then sends to the correct target.

If the parameter is not present in server.conf, the system would treat it as a true condition by default.

If you do not use https or reverse proxy, you can disable the SchemeBasedRedirectFilter by setting the SCHEME_BASED_REDIRECT_FILTER_ENABLED parameter to false.