
This topic describes how to use the kSupport.sh script to gather information useful to Software Support in diagnosing system problems, and create a Zip file with a timestamp in the support/zipfiles directory.


The kSupport.sh script gathers the following information:

  • Install and upgrade logs

  • Server logs (with the option for a date range)

  • JDBC logs

  • Deploy logs (for the installation of patches and Deployment Management Extensions)

  • Configuration files

  • Server reports

  • Database information for troubleshooting

  • Invalid PPM schema objects and database indexes

  • File system information

  • Invalid PPM Center schema objects and invalid database indexes

You can run the kSupport.sh script from the Administration Console. For information, see Gather information for Software Support from the Administration Console.

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Run SQL scripts with kSupport.sh

You can use the kSupport.sh script to run SQL scripts that the Software Support provides for gathering database information for troubleshooting purposes. You can browse for SQL scripts to run, or manually paste SQL scripts in a text area to run. The server information collection summary page, provides information about the number of SQL commands that are prevented from running.

All of the SQL scripts you select to run are copied into the <kSupport_Zip_ File>/ppmc/data directory, and the SQL script content you entered in the text area is concatenated into a CSV-formatted file named runsqls<Time_Stamp>.sql in the <kSupport_Zip_File>/ppmc/data directory.

Caution: If the resulting SQL file is larger than 100 MB, a java.lang.OutOfMemory error may be logged in the <PPM_Home>/bin/support/ppmc/ksupport.log file. To correct the problem, split the source SQL script into multiple files, and then run them again in batches.

You can run SQL scripts in silent mode, as follows:

sh ./kSupport.sh -silent [-runsql <SQL_File_Path>]

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List invalid database schema objects and database indexes

The kSupport output database.html file lists invalid PPM schema objects and invalid database indexes. Running kSupport.sh adds the following two sections to the <kSupport_zip_file>/ppmc/database.html file:

  • Selecting invalid objects in DB section. This lists the types and names of all invalid objects in the database. The list includes objects of the following types:






    • TABLE

    • INDEX

    • VIEW


  • Selecting invalid indexes in DB section. This section lists invalid database indexes. For example, some INDEX objects are of UNUSABLE status in user_indexes but are of VALID status in all_objects.

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Running mode for kSupport.sh

You can run kSupport.sh in GUI, console, or silent mode. Silent mode automatically captures a default set of information without prompting for user input.

To run in GUI mode:

sh ./kSupport.sh -custom

To run in console mode:

sh ./kSupport.sh -console

To run in silent mode:

sh ./kSupport.sh -silent -customer <Company_Name> -sr <Service_Request_Number>

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