Add languages to Plug-in for PPM

If you want the Plug-in for PPM to support additional languages (adding a language that is not provided by default), do the following:

  1. Install the Plug-in for PPM. The files that must be translated are installed with the Plug-in for PPM. See the Project Management User Guide for information on how to install the Plug-in for PPM.

  2. On the system on which the Plug-in for PPM is installed, go to the <Plug-in for PPM installation>\OpenText\PPM Add In for MS Project\PPM Plugin MSProject 200<x>\Resources directory (where <x> denotes the version of Microsoft Project, either 2003 or 2007). This directory contains the properties files that need to be translated, the translated properties files for the default languages provided by the Plug-in for PPM, and translated properties files provided by any installed language packs.

  3. Translate the and files. Translated files are named TextResources_<xx>.properties and MspTextResources_<xx>.properties where <xx> is the language code of the translated files. For example, is the properties file translated to Spanish and is the properties file translated to simplified Chinese.

    At a minimum, the file should be translated for the Microsoft Project languages you want to support. This ensures the Plug-in for PPM loads when Microsoft Project is started.

    Note: If the user selects a Microsoft Project language that is not supported by the Plug-in for PPM, a warning message displays and the user may choose to try to connect to PPM. If the file has been translated for this language, the Plug-in for PPM will load. If the file has not been translated for this language, the Plug-in for PPM will not load.

  4. In all of the translated files, do the following:

    1. Change the value of the VERSION key.

    2. Changing the version ensures that the properties files are updated on the client system when the Plug-in for PPM connects to the PPM Server.

    3. Optionally, define the language of the content returned by the PPM Server (content such as boilerplate text, master data, and translatable resources). By default, the content language is the system language of PPM (for definitions of terms such as boilerplate text and system language, see Key concepts).

      To define the content language, set the PPM_LANGUAGE_CODE key. Set the value to the language defined in the NLS_LANG_CODE column of the KNTA_LANGUAGES table (the value is the string that appears before the underscore).

      For example, to view the PPM Server content in Ukrainian when the Plug-in for PPM language setting is defined as Ukrainian, both the and the files should contain the following key and value:


      If the value of PPM_LANGUAGE_CODE is not valid, the content language defaults to the system language of PPM.

  5. Optionally, define the content that is displayed for each item in the Language field drop-down list of the PPM Plugin Preferences page (this may have already been done in Add languages to Plug-in for PPM).

    In the and TextResources_<xx>.properties files, add the key LANGUAGE_NAME_<XX> where <XX> is the language code of the added language (in uppercase). Set the value to the name of the language as it would appear in the language of the file.

    For example, if the current Plug-in for PPM language selections are English and German and you are adding the Plug-in for PPM in Swahili, in the English properties file (, you would add the key and value LANGUAGE_NAME_SW=Swahili. In the German translated file (, you would add the key and value LANGUAGE_NAME_SW=Suaheli. In the Swahili translated file (, you would add the keys and values LANGUAGE_NAME_EN_US=Kiingereza (for English), LANGUAGE_NAME_DE=Kijerumani (for German), and LANGUAGE_NAME_SW=Kiswahili (for Swahili).

    If you add this key to only the file, these values become the default items displayed in the Language field drop-down list of the PPM Plugin Preferences page for all languages. For example, if your language selections are English, German, and Swahili and if you add LANGUAGE_NAME_EN_US=Kiingereza, LANGUAGE_NAME_DE=Kijerumani, and LANGUAGE_NAME_SW=Kiswahili to the file (and do not update any other TextResources_<xx>.properties files), the Language field always displays the items of Kiingereza, Kijerumani, and Kiswahili. If you select the Plug-in for PPM language setting to be English, the Language field displays the items of Kiingereza, Kijerumani, and Kiswahili. If you select the Plug-in for PPM language setting to be German, the Language field displays the items of Kiingereza, Kijerumani, and Kiswahili.

    If you do not add this key to any of the properties file, the items in the Language field drop-down list of the PPM Plugin Preferences page are defined by the .NET Framework language. For example, if your language items are English, German, and Swahili, and if the .NET Framework language is English, the Language field displays the items of English, German, and Swahili. If the .NET Framework language is German, the Language field displays the items of English, Deutsch, and Suaheli.

    The precedence of what determines the content that is displayed for each item in the Language field drop-down list of the PPM Plugin Preferences page is (listed from highest to lowest):

    • TextResources_<xx>.properties


    • .NET Framework language

  6. Copy the translated files to the <JBoss_server>/conf/custom_resources/msp directory on the PPM Server.

    After the user connects to the PPM Server using the Plug-in for PPM, the added language appears as a selection in the Language field drop-down list of the PPM Plugin Preferences page.