View request details in tabs or sections

Request details can be displayed in sections or tabs. This section provides the details.

View request details in tabs or sections

How request details are displayed, in section or tabs, is determined by the layout settings specific to the request type:

  • When the tab layout is used, request details are displayed in tabs. In addition, which tabs are available and how they are ordered, are customizable by the request type.

  • When the flow layout is used, request details are displayed as sections on a single page. The sections include: Dashboard, Details, Strategy, Status, Notes, and References.

For details about request layout, see Set up request layout.

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Display additional tabs

Available in 24.2 and later versions

When a request has many tabs that cannot all be displayed on the page, the additional tabs are listed under the More menu. To access these tabs, at the top-right of the request details, click the More button and then select the desired tab.

Note: In version 24.1, the additional tabs are not accessible.

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View request command execution log

You can view the command execution details of a request from the request detail page.

To view execution log for commands executed at workflow steps:

See View execution log for commands executed at workflow steps.

To view the execution log for the request commands that are executed by event rules:

  1. Search for and open the request.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click More > Log.

    The Execution Log History page opens and displays the execution details of the request commands whose Event is set to Apply after save or Apply on call from external requests.

    For details about request type command event, see Enable event rules for request type commands .

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See also: