Removing Contents from a Portfolio


  • To remove a subportfolio from a portfolio, you must be allowed to edit the subportfolio.
  • To remove a program from a portfolio, you must be allowed to view the program.
  • To remove a proposal, a project, or an asset from a portfolio, you must be allowed to view the proposal, project, or asset.

To remove a subportfolio, program, proposal, project, or asset from a portfolio:

  1. Go to the portfolio page.
  2. In the Contents tab, click the desired section.
  3. Use Ctrl + click or Shift + click to select the items you want to remove.
  4. Click Remove, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog.

The items removed from the portfolio are not deleted from PPM.

Removing a subportfolio from the portfolio changes the portfolio hierarchy.

Removing contents from a portfolio does not impact the contents in the existing portfolio scenarios. For example, if you remove a project from a portfolio, the project is not removed from the existing scenarios of the portfolio. Instead, the project cannot be included in new scenarios.