PPM Options

PPM options are used to configure the interaction between Microsoft Project and PPM. Use these options to change the PPM Server connection, set a custom HTTP header, and configure proxy settings.

Changing the PPM Server Connection

By default, the PPM Server to which Microsoft Project connects is the PPM Server from which you installed the Plug-in for PPM. The PPM Server URL displayed is the PPM instance to which Microsoft Project synchronizes its files.

To change the PPM Server URL setting,

  1. Open the project in Microsoft Project.

  2. Select PPM > User Preferences.

  3. In the PPM tab, to synchronize with a different PPM Server, type in a different URL in the PPM Server URL field.

  4. Optionally, select or deselect the Remember username checkbox. If selected, the Plug-in for PPM uses the same username to log in to the PPM Server. If unselected, the Username field in the Login dialog will be blank.

  5. Click Save.

Setting a Custom HTTP Header

If a custom HTTP header is required for authentication by the PPM Server, you can configure the header used by the Plug-in for PPM. This custom header is included in every request sent to PPM.

The following fields can be used to configure a custom HTTP header for the Plug-in for PPM.

Table 10-9. Custom HTTP Header Settings



Send a custom HTTP authentication header

Select this checkbox to enable the ability to include a custom HTTP header when connecting to the PPM Server.

Header name

Type the name of the custom HTTP header. The header name should only contain alphanumeric and special characters, except for space and colon (:). If an invalid character is typed, it is automatically removed from the header name when you leave the field.

Include Windows domain

Select this checkbox to include the Windows Server domain name with the username.

The custom HTTP header consists of the header name followed by the Windows Server domain name (if selected) and the username.

For example, if your system is set up as follows:

Username: smithj
Windows Server Domain: ASIAPACIFIC
Header Name: PPM_Authentication

When you select the Send a custom HTTP authentication header checkbox and if the Include Windows domain checkbox is not selected, the custom header used is: PPM_Authentication:smithj

If the Include Windows domain checkbox is selected, the custom header used is: PPM_Authentication:ASIAPACIFIC\smithj

Configuring a Proxy Server for the Plug-in for PPM

The Plug-in for PPM and the PPM Server exchange data using HTTP. If this connection uses a proxy server, you must configure the proxy settings. By default, a proxy server is not used.

The following fields can be used to configure a proxy server for the Plug-in for PPM.

Table 10-10. Proxy Settings



Direct connection

Default selection. Select this option if a proxy server is not required for the connection between the Plug-in for PPM and the PPM Server.

Internet Explorer proxy settings

Select this option to use the same proxy server that is configured in Internet Explorer.

Custom proxy

Select this option to specify a proxy server.


Proxy server

Type the IP address or name of the proxy server.



Type the port number used to connect to the proxy server.

Proxy authentication

If the proxy server requires authentication, select or enter the credentials (username, password, and domain) used to connect to the proxy server.


Use Windows credentials

Select this checkbox to use credentials provided by Windows to connect to the proxy server.



Type the username used to connect to the proxy server. If you selected the Use Windows credentials checkbox, you do not need to enter a username.



Type the password used to connect to the proxy server. If you selected the Use Windows credentials checkbox, you do not need to enter a password.



Optional. Type the Window Server domain name used to connect to the proxy server. If you selected the Use Windows credentials checkbox, you do not need to enter a domain.

Enabling PPM-MSP Connection to Go via Web Browser

PPM does not support Common Access Card (CAC), and cannot send client certificate to Citrix Netscaler. If you log on to MSP plug-in under CAC and Netscaler deployment environment, you would receive "invalid username and password" exceptions. To address this issue, you should enable the connections between PPM and MSP to go via Web browser.

  1. Open the project in Microsoft Project.

  2. Select PPM > User Preferences.

  3. In the PPM tab, select the option Enable Web Logon.

  4. Click Save.