Preparing the Spreadsheet Template for Importing

After you create the template, you use it to prepare the spreadsheet that contains the entity data you want to import into APM with the Data Migrator.

To prepare a downloaded spreadsheet for importing:

  1. Start Microsoft Excel.

  2. Open a spreadsheet template. (See Creating the Spreadsheet Template.)

  3. If necessary, customize the entity field names in row 3.

    Do not make any changes to row 5. This row is used by the Data Migrator to map the spreadsheet columns to the fields in the entity.

  4. Remove any columns you do not need.

    Although the column containing the REQ.REQUEST_ID token is optional, consider leaving it in your spreadsheet. This column is populated by the Data Migrator with a unique request number for each entity it creates when you import new entities. Request numbers are required if you update the entity data later using the Data Migrator.

    Note: The column containing the REQ.REQUEST_ID token must be left blank when you are importing entities.

  5. Copy and paste the entity data into the spreadsheet from another file or manually type it into the spreadsheet.

    Note: Your spreadsheet must include a column that contains a unique identifier for each entity you are importing. You can enter the identifier in the Identifier column (column A) in the template or, when you configure the Data Migrator to import the data from the spreadsheet, you can designate a column with a different title as the column that contains the unique ID or name. For example, if all of your entities have unique names, you can designate the column that contains the entity names as the identifier column.

  6. Save the spreadsheet.

  7. To create entities using this spreadsheet, go to Creating New Entities.