Cancelling a Download, Create, or Update Process

If you click the Cancel button to stop a download, create, or update process, the Data Migrator continues to run as it completes any active threads before aborting the process. What you need to do next is determined by the process the Data Migrator was performing:

  • Downloading entities or validations. View the spreadsheet to see which entities or validations (if any) were downloaded. If you want to download all entities or validations, repeat the download.

  • Creating entities. Do one of the following:

    • If you did not specify dependencies on the Dependencies tab, repeat the steps to create the entities again. Entities that were created successfully before the process was stopped are ignored when you repeat the create process.

      Note: For entities that were created successfully, the spreadsheet shows the request number assigned by the Data Migrator in the request number column.

    • If you specified dependencies on the Dependencies tab, do one of the following:

      • If the status message says Create Request... Abort!, repeat the steps to create the entities again.

      • If the status message says Create Request (2nd Pass)... Abort!, view the Detail Log to learn if the second pass completed successfully for all entities. If it did not, follow the instructions to update the entities in Updating Entity Data to complete the processing of the dependencies.

  • Updating entities or validation values. If the status message says Update Request... Abort!, click View Log to view the Detail Log file to learn the status of the update. If any of the entities do not show they were updated successfully or if the details cell is empty for any entities, repeat the update process. For information about the Detail Log file, see Viewing the Detail Log and Fixing Logged Errors.