Generate a survey

Before you send out surveys, you create the survey registration entity and select the type of ratings for which you want to collect data. You then send the survey to the designated respondents.

Note: Each invitation sent from a survey registration is a survey with its own request number.

To create the survey registration:

  1. From the menu bar, select Open > Application Portfolio > Create Entities.

  2. In the Activities area, click Survey Registration.

    The Create New APM - Survey Registration page opens.

  3. In the Summary section, type a name for the survey in the Survey Name field.

    Tip: Note down the name you assigned to the survey registration, which is needed later.

  4. In the Details section, type or select the type of survey that you want to send from the Survey Template list. The survey template determines the type of ratings data that is collected.

    • Business Survey. Business-related ratings for the application, data, vendor, value, and risk.

    • General Survey (Full). Application-related ratings for the application, data, vendor, value, and risk.

    • Technical Survey. Technical-related ratings for the application, data, vendor, and risk.

    Tip: To view the specific fields for which data can be collected, select a survey template and click (click here) in the View Preview field.

    For descriptions of the fields in the templates, see the descriptions of the application entity fields in Application.

  5. In the Target Completion Date field, type or select the date by which the survey must be completed.

  6. In the List of Applications & Respondents table, click Edit.

    The label on the Edit button changes to View and additional buttons are displayed.

  7. Add the applications to be surveyed and the users you want to designate as respondents. Refer to the following instructions and Table 4-1. Table icons for more information.

    Table 4-1. Table icons

    Button or Icon


    Click to view the completed table.

    Click to export the table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

    Click to add a row to the table.

    Click to delete the selected rows.

    Click to copy the selected rows.

    Click to paste the copied rows beneath the selected row.

    Click to move the selected row up.

    Click to move the selected row down.

    Tip: To select a row, click a cell within the row. To select multiple rows, press and hold the Shift key as you click in additional cells.

    1. Click the Add Row icon ().

      A row with empty Application Name and Respondents cells is added to the table.

    2. In the empty cell in the Application Name column, type or select the name of the application for which you are conducting the survey.

      Tip: As you add each application, note down the application's ID number, which is required later.

    3. In the empty cell in the Respondents column, type or select the name of one or more survey respondents (APM users you want to complete the survey).

    4. Repeat step a through step c as necessary.

  8. To save the survey registration, click Submit.

    The Request Creation Confirmed page opens, and the request number assigned to the survey registration is displayed in the Request # field.

    Tip: Note down the request number assigned to the survey registration, which is required later.

To send the survey invitation to the respondents:

  1. In the Request # field on the Request Creation Confirmed page, click the request number assigned to the survey that you just created.

    The APM - Survey Registration - <Request_Number> page opens.

  2. From the toolbar, click Send Surveys.

    The List of Surveys section is generated from the List of Applications & Respondents section and the surveys configured for this survey registration are listed.

    An email is sent to each of the respondents inviting them to participate in the survey.

    Note: By default, every three days an email is resent to remind the survey respondents to complete the survey. If a Target Completion Date is set for the survey, the reminder is sent every three days until that date is met.