
In the Identity section, enter the fundamental information that identifies the application.

Note: The Identity section is a subsection of the header section.

All users can view the data in this section. Users assigned one or more of the following roles can edit the data in this section: Business Owner, Technical Owner, or Respondent (when more information is requested).

Figure A-1. Application Identity section

Table A-1. Application Identity fields

Field (*Required)



Read-only. The Title is automatically set to the application Name.

Application No.

Read-only. A unique numeric identifier of the application.


Read-only. The status of the application.

  • New - The application is being defined but has not been submitted.

  • In Review - The application details are currently under review as part of an assessment or data collection process.

  • Need More Info - Additional information has been requested from the named respondent for the application.

  • Active - The application is active and currently being managed by its owners.

  • Snapshot - This is a static copy of the application information captured on a specific date.

  • Retired - The application is no longer active. It has been decommissioned or has reached end-of-life and assessment is no longer needed.

  • Cancelled - The application entity has been cancelled and its information is no longer valid.


A name given to the application that distinguishes it from other applications. The name must be unique in order to transition the application from In Review to Active status.


The version information associated with the application.


The acronym assigned to the application. Typically, this is defined by the organization most involved with the application.


An additional name assigned to the application.

Local ID

A unique identifier for the application from a client-operated inventory system, if applicable.


The high-level purpose of the application.

  • Infrastructure - An application that is used to support a system, such as a database, scheduler, or security monitor.

  • Informational - An application that is used to store, communicate, or manipulate data, such as data storage or reporting.

  • Transactional - An application that requires an act or process to be completed, such as order entry and payments.


The high-level origin of the application.

  • ASP - Application Service Provider. An application that is hosted and supported by an external organization and accessed over a network.

  • Custom - An application that has been designed specifically for the organization.

  • COTS - Commercial, Off-the-Shelf. An application that is developed by an ISV and customized for the organization.

  • Composite - COTS and Custom. An application that consists of heterogeneous systems (COTS and/or custom) that are integrated together.


The importance of the application to the enterprise.

  • Low - The application is rarely used and does not affect the performance and functioning of the organization.

  • Normal - The application is used averagely and may or may not affect the performance and functioning of the organization.

  • High - The application is widely used and may affect the performance and functioning of the organization.

  • Critical - The application is required for the performance and functioning of the organization.


The business or technical objective or function of the application.


The physical location of the production application.

Created By

Read-only. The full name of the user who created the application entity.

Created On

Read-only. The date on which the application entity was created.