
A location entity is a distinct and unambiguous location of an application, server, or a grouping of locations.

When creating, searching for, or editing a location, enter or update information in the following sections:

  • Summary. The fundamental information about the location.

  • Address. Information about the address and other geographical attributes.


In the Summary section, enter the fundamental information about the location.

Figure A-12. Location Summary section

Table A-12. Location Summary fields

Field (*Required)


Location No.

Read-only. A unique numeric identifier of the location.


Read-only. The status of the location.

  • New - The location is being defined but has not been submitted.

  • Active - The location is active and currently being managed by its owner.

  • Change Pending - The location is being modified.

  • Cancelled - The location has been cancelled and its information is no longer valid.

*Location Name

A distinct and unambiguous name for the location.


Information that describes the important attributes of the location from a business or IT point of view.

Parent Location

The Location Name of the location of which this location, hierarchically, is a child.


The full name of the person in the organization responsible for ensuring that this location is up-to-date. The owner is allowed to edit information about this location.

Created By

Read-only. The full name of the user who created the location entity.

Created On

Read-only. The date on which the location entity was created.


In the Address section, enter information about the location address and other geographical attributes.

Figure A-13. Location Address section

Table A-13. Location Address fields




Street number and street name of the location.


City name of the location.


State name (U.S.) or province name (Canada).

Postal Code

Postal code, postcode, ZIP code, or PIN code of the location.


Country name of the location.


Geographic area of the location.

  • Americas

  • EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)

  • Asia Pacific


Longitudinal geographic coordinate of the location.


Latitudinal geographic coordinate of the location.