
A server entity is a physical or virtual machine.

When creating, searching for, or editing a server, enter or update information in the following section:

  • Summary. The fundamental information about the server.


In the Summary section, enter the fundamental information about the server.

Figure A-16. Server Summary section

Table A-16. Server Summary fields

Field (*Required)


Server No.

Read-only. A unique numeric identifier of the server.


Read-only. The status of the server.

  • New - The server is being defined but has not been submitted.

  • Active - The server is active.

  • Change Pending - The server is being modified.

  • Cancelled - The server has been cancelled and its information is no longer valid.

*Server Name

A distinct and unambiguous name for the server.


Information that describes the important attributes of the server, from a business or IT point of view.

IP Address

Internet Protocol address of the server.


Function of the server.

  • Development

  • Testing

  • Production


The operating system on which the server is running.

Running Software

List of major software packages or applications running on the server. The list is comma-delimited. Do not include operating system utilities.


Physical location of the server.

Created By

Read-only. The full name of the user who created the server entity.

Created On

Read-only. The date on which the server entity was created.