Rating of Transformation Proposals

The Rating of Transformation Proposals portlet displays the total score, value rating, and risk rating by transformation proposal. This portlet can be displayed as a clustered bar chart (default), stacked bar chart, or list. Use this portlet to view how transformation proposals are ranked based on their total score.

In the clustered bar chart and stacked bar chart, by default, applications are listed numerically (highest to lowest) by total score.

Figure B-13. Example of the Rating of Transformation Proposals portlet

Table B-13. Rating of Transformation Proposals portlet rating types

Rating Type


Total Score

The difference between the Value Rating and Risk Rating with the Score Adjustment applied.

Total Score = Value Rating – Risk Rating + Score Adjustment

Value Rating

The business value of the transformation proposal.

By default, the value rating is the sum of non-empty individual ratings listed above the Value Rating field Value & Risk Assessment section of the transformation proposal.

Value Rating = Internal Rate of Return + Strategic Match + Competitive Advantage + Competitive Response + Productivity

Risk Rating

The risk of the transformation proposal to successfully complete. The risk rating is calculated from values defined in the Value & Risk Assessment section of the transformation proposal.

By default, the risk rating is the sum of non-empty individual ratings for all risks in the Value & Risk Assessment section of the transformation proposal.

Risk Rating = Organization Risk + Technical Risk + Architecture Risk + Definition Risk + Infrastructure Risk

To select the type of data that is displayed in this portlet and how the data is displayed, set the preference settings and filters.

Table B-14. Preference settings and filters for Rating of Transformation Proposals portlet



Transformation Proposals

Select zero, one, or more transformation proposals to display the total score, value rating, and risk rating. If no transformation proposals are specified, all transformation proposals for which data is available are displayed.

Business Objective

Select a business objective. Only transformation proposals that support this business objective are displayed. If no business objective is specified, all transformation proposals for which data is available are displayed.


Select a person who has proposed a transformation proposal. Only transformation proposals that have been proposed by this person are displayed. If no owner is specified, all transformation proposals for which data is available are displayed.

Executive Sponsor

Select a person who is an executive sponsor. Only transformation proposals that have this person listed as its executive sponsor are displayed. If no executive sponsor is specified, all transformation proposals for which data is available are displayed.