Completing Surveys
After an application entity has been created, the APM analyst might request that the owner and one or more users of the application complete a survey that rates the application. As the recipient of a survey, your role becomes that of the survey respondent.
When you are a survey respondent, the following occurs:
An automated email message is sent to you containing a link to the survey.
The survey is listed in the Surveys Requiring My Input portlet on the Front Page of your shared PPM Dashboard page. If you have added a My Surveys portlet to your private PPM Dashboard page, it is also listed there. For information about these portlets, see Table B-1. Shared portlets on the Front Page PPM Dashboard page and My Surveys.
If you do not respond to the survey within the defined number of days (typically 3), the automated email message is sent to you again.
If you are asked to complete a survey and need the assistance of another user, you can send the survey to a different user by designating the new user as a proxy. This process is described in Sending a Survey to a Another User.