Types of Request Type Rules

You can configure the following request type rules to control Demand Management system behavior:

  • You can use a simple default rule to set new values in the Workflow, Assigned To, and Assigned Group fields.

  • You can use an advanced rule with SQL-default logic to set a new value in any fields in the request, based on a SQL statement. You can specify any SQL statement, as long as it returns a single row with two values (a hidden, internal value and a visible value).

    Note: If all fields in a section of a request details page are invisible, SQL-based rule does not work for any fields in the section. It works for all fields in the section when at least one field in the section is visible.

  • You can use an advanced rule with UI-rule logic to change the behavior or appearance of any field in a request. These rules run JavaScript functions, which are defined on the server in the RequestRulesSystemLibrary.js file, which is in the <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/web/knta/crt/js directory.

    Caution: Because the RequestRulesSystemLibrary.js file is redeployed at each service pack installation or product upgrade, it is important that you not modify the RequestRulesSystemLibrary.js file. Otherwise, your changes are lost.

    You can also define your own custom JavaScript functions to use in UI rules. You must define these custom JavaScript functions in the RequestRulesUserLibrary.js file, which is also in the <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Server_Name>/deploy/itg.war/web/knta/crt/js directory.

    Note: The RequestRulesUserLibrary.js file is not altered when you apply a service pack or upgrade PPM Center. Your custom functions are preserved after these operations.