Enabling Report Type (REFERENCE) Export Request Report

To facilitate exporting a request to XML of a specific format, a new report type (REFERENCE) Export Request Report is added. This report type enables you to export a request report to a specific format.

To enable the report type,

  1. Log on to PPM and launch the PPM Workbench.

  2. On the shortcut bar, click Configuration > Report Types.

    The Report Type Workbench opens.

  3. Click List, then locate and select report type (REFERENCE) Export Request Report.

  4. Click Copy.

    The Copy Report Type window opens.

  5. Type a Report Type Name. For example, Sample Report.

  6. Click Copy to continue.

  7. When prompted, click Yes.

    The Report Type: <Report Type Name> window opens.

  8. For the Enabled field, select Yes.

  9. Configure other fields or options as necessary.

  10. Click OK.