Overview of workflow step sources

This section introduces Demand Management workflow step sources.

Preconfigured workflow step sources

PPM includes a number of standard workflow step sources that you can add to a workflow. These sources are preconfigured with standard validations (transition values), workflow events, and workflow scope. These steps specify the following common attributes, which are expected to remain consistent across all workflows that use that step source:

  • Validation associated with the step (and, thus, the list of valid transition values out of the step)

  • Voting requirements of the step

  • Default timeout value for the step. (You can configure a unique timeout value for each step.)

  • Icon used for the step in the graphical layout.

Use the Available Workflow Steps window in the Workflow Workbench to browse through all the workflow step sources.

  • If PPM has a workflow step source that meets your process requirements, you can copy and rename it. This can save configuration effort and avoid user processing errors. For example, if you need a step to route a request based on whether it needs more analysis, you can copy and use the preconfigured Request Analysis workflow step source.

    Copy the step source so that it can be used uniquely for the processes. This allows you to control who can edit the step source, ensuring that the process is not inadvertently altered by another user.

  • If a step source that meets the process requirements is not available, you can create a new one. Create a new step source when the step requires any of the following:

    • A unique validation (transition values) leaving the step

    • A unique execution in the step: PL/SQL function, token, SQL function, or workflow step commands

    • A different processing type: immediate versus manual

    • A specific workflow scope

    • A unique combination of these settings

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Restrictions on configuring and using workflow step source

Workflow step sources have the following restrictions:

  • You cannot delete a step source that is in use in a workflow.

  • You cannot change a validation for a step source that is in use. If you must change the validation, copy the associated step source, and then configure a new validation.

  • You must enable the workflow step source before you can add it to a workflow.

  • Only add step sources to a workflow if the workflow has a matching workflow scope, or the step source scope is set to All.

  • You cannot delete a workflow step in a workflow that has processed a request, package line, or release. Deleting the step would compromise data integrity. Instead, remove all transitions to and from the workflow step, and then disable the step.

  • If Mobility Access is enabled in your PPM Center system, make sure that the name of any validations you create for custom decision workflow step sources contain no single quote (°Æ) characters. Otherwise, the Mobility Access feature cannot work correctly. For information about Mobility Access, see PPM Mobility Access.

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