Configure user data for resources

This topic introduces how to configure user data for resources.

User data for resources overview

Pages in PPM display a set of standard fields for collecting and displaying information. User data is the set of custom fields that can be defined by the system administrator.

If you want to include additional fields in a resource's page, you can define them in the User Data Workbench.

Resource user data are customizable resource attributes that are added to the Details tab in a resource's page. The system administrator configures the resource attributes that are displayed in a resource's page and the resource can modify the values of these resource attributes from the Details tab.

Resource user data is not available in the Search Resources page nor can they be modified for multiple resources simultaneously.

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Configure user data for resources

Follow the instructions below to configure user data for resources.

To configure user data for resources:

  1. From the PPM menu, select Open > Administration > Open Workbench.

  2. From the PPM Workbench shortcut bar, select Configuration > User Data.

  3. Click List.

    The Results tab opens with the available user data types.

  4. To configure resource user data, select Resource User Data and click Open.

    The User Data Context window opens.

  5. To add a field, click New.

  6. In the Field: New window, do the following:

    1. Configure up to 100 fields. Enter the following information:

      1. In the Field Prompt box, type the label to display for the new field.

      2. In the Token box, type an uppercase text string to use to identify this field.

        The token name must be unique to the specific user data. An example token name is ASSIGNED_TO_USER_ID.

      3. In the Description box, you can enter text that describes what the field captures and how it is to be used.

      4. To enable the new field, leave Enabled selected.

      5. In the Validation box, enter or select the validation logic to use to determine the valid values for the field.

        This can be a list of user-defined values, a rule that the result must be a number, and so on.

      6. The Component Type field indicates the field type (list, free-form text field, and so on). This read-only field is derived from the validation you selected.

      7. If the field lists selectable items, and you want users to be able to select more than one of these, select Multiselect.

        If you select Multiselect, the PPM Workbench displays a dialog box that lists limitations imposed on multiselect user fields.

        If you selected Multiselect, make a note of the limitations, and then click Yes.

    2. On the Attributes tab, enter the following information:

      1. In the User Data Col list, select the internal column in which the field value is to be stored.

        You can store information in up to 100 columns, which means that you can create up to 100 custom fields for resources. No two fields in user data can use the same column.

      2. To make the new field read-only at all times, in the Display Only list, select Always. To make the field editable at all times, select Never.

      3. To make the field visible to users, next to Display, leave Yes selected. To hide the field, select No.

      4. To make the field required (the user must specify a value) at all times, in the Required list, select Always. To make the field optional at all times, select Never.

    3. To configure a default value for the user data field, open the Default tab and enter the following information:

      1. To indicate that the field is to have a default value, in the Default Type list, do one of the following:

        • To specify that the field default is to be a constant value, select Constant.

        • To specify that the field default is to have no default, select None.

      2. If you specified a constant default type, then in the Visible Value list, select the constant value.

  7. To save your changes and create another field, click Add. The Field window clears so that you can create another new field. Repeat step 7, as needed.

    To save your changes and close the Field window, click OK.

  8. From the User Data Context window, use the Layout tab to rearrange the fields as you want the user to view them from the Details tab. For details about how to set the field layout, see Configure user data layout .

  9. Click OK.

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