Creating JNDI Datasource

If you select External Database (JNDI Datasource) DMS Driver as your target DMS solution, you need to create a datasource pointing to the DB Schema to use for storing documents on each of your PPM Server nodes. All these datasources must point to the same schema, and this schema cannot be the PPM Center database schema (otherwise you should simply use the PPM Center Database DMS solution for storing documents in the PPM Center database schema).

To create your JNDI datasource,

  1. Go to <PPM_Home>/server/<PPM_Instance>/deploy directory, make a copy of the itg-ds.xml and rename the copy (for example dms-ds.xml).

    Note: The new file name MUST end with "-ds.xml" and it MUST be located in the
    /<PPM_Instance>/deploy/ directory.

  2. Edit the file content.

    Replace the highlighted values with the JNDI name of your choice and the connection parameters of your DMS database schema. You can also change other parameters (max-pool-size) to meet your needs.

    Though you can define the values for <user-name> and <password> in this file, it is not recommended as you can provide them on the DMS Configuration screen, and the password is encrypted in PPM (while it would appear in clear text if defined in this file).

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <check-valid-connection-sql>select 1 from dual</checkvalid-connection-sql>

    Note: Make sure you remove the <security-domain> element.

  3. Repeat step 1 and step 2 to create the JNDI datasource on each of your PPM Server cluster nodes.

  4. Run the following command:

    sh ./

  5. Restart your PPM Servers.

  6. You can now launch the Administration Console to perform DMS migration, and provide the JNDI datasource as shown in the figure below.

Creating JNDI datasource

Note: Make sure you prefix your datasource name in the dms.database.JNDI.Datasource field with "java:". For example, java:/comp/env/dms.