Specifying Search Terms

In addition to searches based on the AND and OR operators, you can search for exact phrases, exclude documents based on a key word, or search by combining queries. This section provides information on how to specify the key words for these search types.

"AND" Queries

If you want to search for documents containing multiple keywords, you can insert the word "and" (case-insensitive) or "&" character between the search words. All specified words must exist in the document content or document properties for the document to be considered as a match. Keywords need not be together or in the order entered for a document to be considered as a match.

Example: greece and olympic; Greece & olympic

Searching by Phrase

By default, each query is a "phrase" query. You can search for documents containing a specific phrase, or a set of words in a specific order.

Example: gold medal

Excluding Documents that Contain a Specific Text String

To specifically exclude documents that contain a particular word, preface the keyword with a NOT (~) sign. In this manner, all documents that contain the specified word are excluded from the results, even if they match other key words in your query.

You can exclude phrases from your search as well as single words.

For example, to include documents with "greece", but not those with "olympic," type greece ~olympic.

Note: The words to be excluded from the search (prefaced with the "~" sign) should not appear alone or in the beginning of the key words text string you specified. For example, searching "~olympic" or "~olympic greece" can return an error.

"OR" Queries

If you want to search for documents containing one OR another keyword, you can insert the word "or" (case-insensitive) or "|" character between the search words. In this manner, a document is considered as a match if either of the keywords is found.

Example: volleyball or softball; volleyball | softball

Combination Searches

You may perform combination searches for documents by combining "AND", "OR", and "~" queries. If you want to search for documents containing both "AND" and "OR" queries, make sure to wrap sub-queries with parentheses "(" and ")". For example, A and (B | C).

Example: gold medal and (volleyball | softball)

Search Historical Versions

The Search Historical Versions option allows you to search both or either of content and version comments of documents historical versions in addition to full text search (including document content and document properties) of their current version.