Modifying Workflows Already In Use

Workflows can be modified while they are going through their workflow steps after a package or request has been initiated. These modifications include adding new workflow steps, as well as changing the transitions, security assignments and notifications from within the workflow.

You can make changes to workflows that are currently in use with the same procedures and windows that you used to define the workflows. All of these procedures are performed in the Workflow Workbench window.

When modifying workflows that are being used, rules exist for which entities can be added, changed, deleted or renamed. These rules are described in Table 4-10. Rules for modifying production workflows.

Table 4-10. Rules for modifying production workflows






Workflow Steps

Workflow Parameters

You can change any of these entities or add them to a workflow that is in use.




Workflow Parameters

You can delete any of these entities from a workflow in use.

Workflow Steps

You cannot delete this entity from a workflow in use, but you can rename it. You can delete transitions coming into or going out of a workflow step to effectively remove it from the workflow.

If a workflow that is in use is changed and saved, the changes take effect immediately. Any changes made to workflow steps are applied to all open package lines, requests, releases, and distributions.

Changes to a workflow can have undesirable effects on requests or packages currently in progress and are using that workflow.

When modifying a workflow that is in use, this can disrupt the normal flow in and out of the workflow and prevent it from reaching completion. For example, removing a transition from a workflow step may result in the requests or package lines being stuck in that workflow step.