Use Excel reports for Operational Reporting

This section provides instructions on how to use the Excel version of the reports that PPM supplies with Operational Reporting. It is written for PPM users, particularly users who act as direct managers, resource managers, and project managers. Readers are assumed to be familiar with the functionality of all PPM products.

Note: New development of PPM reports will continue to expand on this new Operational Reporting platform.

PPM-supplied Excel reports

The PPM-supplied Excel reports include:

  • Demand VS Capacity report
  • Project Status List report
  • Financial Summary report
  • Time Sheet Compliance report
  • ETL Job History report

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Software requirements

You should meet the following requirements to use PPM-supplied Excel reports:

  • PPM version 9.12 or later

  • Operational Reporting Content Pack 4.0 or later

    For information about installing or upgrading to Operational Reporting Content Pack, see Operational Reporting administrator for Content Pack.

  • Microsoft Excel® 2007-2013

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