Configuring a Custom Financial Metric

PPM provides some out-of-box industry-standard financial metrics, such as Nominal Return and Net Present Value, to measure the performance of proposals/projects/assets. In addition to these financial metrics, you can customize a financial metric for portfolio managers.

Before you configure

Here are some examples of custom financial metrics that can be used:

  • Payback Period. This metric calculates how long it takes for a proposal, project, or asset to start having positive cost/benefit values, based on its forecast and actual costs and benefits.
  • Productivity Index. This metric is a financial ranking approach that takes into account expected commercial value, technical risk, and research and development expenditures.
  • Expected Commercial Value. This metric leverages probabilities and resource constraints to arrive at its answer.

Depending on the business unit deploying them, these example metrics might employ one of several different formulas in their calculation. Consult the appropriate business lead or team for the metric and formula you want to implement.

Configuring a custom metric might require knowledge of SQL or the creation of additional custom fields for each lifecycle entity so that the metric value can be calculated effectively.

How to configure a custom financial metric

PPM recommends that the custom financial metric be a numeric text field. Fields of other types might not appear in Portfolio Management pages.

  1. Activate the Custom Field Value using the Configure Portfolio Management page.

    1. Log on to PPM.

    2. From the menu bar, select Open > Administration > Portfolio Management > Configure Portfolio and Scenario Comparison Options. The Configure Portfolio and Scenario Comparison Options page opens.

    3. Select the Custom Field Value check box.

    4. Click Done.

  2. Enable the display of Custom Field Value for display.

    1. From the menu bar, select Open > Administration > Open Workbench.

      The PPM Workbench opens.

    2. From the shortcut bar, select Demand Mgmt > Request Types.

    3. Click List.

      The Results tab lists the available request types.

    4. Open one of the request types that will use the Custom Field Value.

    5. Click Open under the Request Header Type field.

      The specified Request Header Type window opens.

    6. In the Fields tab, under Business Case Details, select the Custom Field Value field and click Edit.

      The Field window opens.

    7. In the Attributes tab, set the Display field to Yes.

    8. In the top section of the window, change the Field Prompt to the desired field name.

    9. Click OK.

  3. Configure a request type rule that will populate a value into the Custom Field Value field.

    1. Open the request type that will use the Custom Field Value.

    2. Click the Rules tab.

    3. Click New to define a request type rule for the Custom Field Value field.

      For more detailed information on creating request type rules, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide.

    4. Save the request type.

  4. Repeat step 3 for any other PFM request types that will use the Custom Field Value.