Microsoft Project Integration Options

There are two server.conf parameters that are important for the following aspects of Microsoft Project integration:

Enabling Microsoft Project Launch from a Work Plan

In Project Management, when viewing or editing a work plan that has been integrated with Microsoft Project, you can click Actions in the Work Plan page and select Open Work Plan in Microsoft Project to launch Microsoft Project and open the associated Microsoft Project file.

If, for security reasons, you cannot enable this option, users can manually open the Microsoft Project file and all Microsoft Project integration features are available from the Microsoft Project menus. Users will not be able to open the associated Microsoft Project file from the Project Management work plan.

To enable Microsoft Project launch from an Project Management work plan, do the following:

  1. Install a supported version of Microsoft Internet Explorer on the user's system (refer to the System Requirements and Compatibility Matrix for a list of supported versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer)

  2. The server.conf parameter ENABLE_PROJECT_LAUNCH_FROM_ACTION_MENU must be set to True (this parameter controls the ability of users to launch Microsoft Project from an Project Management work plan)

Note: The Open Work Plan in Microsoft Project option will result in an error when opening projects that are Microsoft Project Server-based. If your business relies on the use of Microsoft Project Server, you may want to disable this menu option (by setting ENABLE_PROJECT_LAUNCH_FROM_ACTION_MENU to False.

Mapping Work Plans to Microsoft Project Files

All projects in Project Management that are integrated with Microsoft Project must store a link to the project in the Microsoft Project file. This link must be contained in a custom field in Microsoft Project that remains consistent and untouched across all projects. The server.conf parameter MSP_PROJECT_CUSTOM_FIELD stores the Microsoft Project field where the project link information is kept. Its default value is Text30.

Note: This parameter is a system-level setting and must not be changed after you have begun work with projects that are integrated with Microsoft Project.