Configure the Charge Codes tab

Charge codes are created and maintained from the Charge Code Workbench. See Charge Codes for the following:

  • Detailed information about creating charge codes.

  • Detailed information about precedence of charge codes as specified in work allocations, the time sheet policy, and override rules.

  • Information about how users specify charge codes. (Also see the Time Management User Guide.)

In the following procedure, you select one or more existing charge codes.

When you specify charge codes for a time sheet policy, they (and their percentage breakdown if you specify more than one charge code) apply to all the time sheet lines for all the resources assigned to that time sheet policy, except for lines that are subject to override rules.

Again with that exception, changes to charge code configuration take effect immediately, for both open and new time sheets. Open time sheets are time sheets that have not been closed. (If a charge code is being deleted, but it is used for work items on an open time sheet, its usage thus far on the time sheet is retained.)

To set the charge codes in the time sheet policy:

  1. In the Time Sheet Policy window, select the Charge Codes tab.

  2. Click Add.

    The Charge Code Selection window opens.

  3. Search for existing charge codes by completing the fields as desired in the Charge Code Selection window, as described in the following table. To display all charge codes, do not enter search criteria and skip to step 4.

    Field Name



    Limits the search to the selected saved query

    Charge Code Name

    Limits the search to a charge code with the specified name


    Limits the search to enabled or disabled charge codes


    Limits the search to charge codes having the specified text in their descriptions

    Charge Code Category

    Limits the search to charge codes with the specified charge code category


    Limits the search to charge codes for the specified department


    Limits the search to charge codes for the specified client name

  4. Click List.

    The results of the query are listed in the Charge Code Selection window. Charge codes that are already listed on the Charge Codes tab of the time sheet policy are shown in bold.

  5. Select one or more charge codes and click OK.

    The Charge Code Selection window closes, and the selected charge codes are added to the Charge Codes tab.

  6. On the Charge Codes tab, specify values in the Percent column that add up to 100 percent.

  7. In addition to the charge codes specified on the time sheet policy to be applied to all time logged under this policy, a work allocation can specify separate charge codes, with percentages, that are to be specifically applied to a particular work item. (For more information, see the Time Management User Guide.)

    On the Charge Codes tab of the time sheet policy, you can specify whether policy-level charge codes take precedence over charge codes specified on individual work allocations. If you select Yes for the Override Work Allocation Charge Codes option, the charge codes in the time sheet policy override (prevail over) the charge code settings in any work allocations specified for the same work items. If you select No, the work allocation charge code settings prevail, and the policy-level charge codes are applied to only work items for which no charge codes are specified on a work allocation or for which no work allocation exists.

    For more information about configuring charge codes and how Time Management prioritizes time sheet policies in determining them, see Charge Codes.

  8. Click OK or, to configure other tabs, click Save.

    The changes to the time sheet policy are saved.