Creating Charge Codes

Note: If your PPM instance supports multiple languages, any charge code you create is defined in the language you selected at logon (your session language). After the charge code is created, it can be modified only in its definition language. For more information, see the Multilingual User Interface Guide.

To create a new charge code:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. From the menu bar, select Open > Administration > Open Workbench.

    The PPM Workbench opens.

  3. From the shortcut bar, select Time Mgmt > Charge Codes.

    The Charge Code Workbench opens.

  4. Click New Charge Code.

    The Charge Code window opens.

  5. Complete the fields in the Charge Code window as specified in the following table:

    Field Name (*Required)


    *Charge Code Name

    Name of the charge code.


    Description of the charge code.

    Charge Code Category

    Category of the charge code. The default options are as follows:

    • blank (the default, equivalent to ALL in the Charge Code Workbench)

    • Billable

    • Non-Billable

    These options can be changed as described in Time Management Validations.


    Department of the charge code.


    Client associated with the charge code. The default options are as follows:

    • blank (the default)

    • Client 1

    • Client 2

    These options can be changed as described in Time Management Validations.


    Option to enable the charge code.

  6. Click OK.

    The charge code is added to the system.