Precedence of Results for Override Rules

The following sections discuss what can occur when a field in the Results section of an override rule is left blank.

Precedence of Results Among Override Rules

If a field in the Results section of an override rule is left blank, other override rules with lower precedence can populate the blank result field if their dependencies are met.

See Table 7-4. Example of precedence of results in override rules and consider the cases of the previous example, with the same specified dependencies (not shown), the same specified time approver results, and the added charge code result shown.

Table 7-4. Example of precedence of results in override rules


Override Rule

Time Approver Result

Charge Code Result


Rule A

Jim Grayson



Rule B

Joan Bell


Case One

The engineer from Development and his work item met the dependencies for both Rule A and Rule B. Since Rule A takes precedence, the time approver was set to Jim Grayson. In addition, since the dependencies of Rule B are also met and Rule A does not specify a charge code, Rule B supplies the charge code result—the engineer's charge code is set to 55.

Case Two

The accountant from Finance and his work item met the dependencies for Rule A but not Rule B, so no result of Rule B can be applied. The accountant's time approver is set to Jim Grayson and his default charge code is used.

Case Three

The programmer from Development and her work item met the dependencies for Rule B but not Rule A, so no result of Rule A can be applied. The programmer's time approver is set to Joan Bell and her charge code is set to 55.

Case Four

The consultant from Services and her work item did not meet the dependencies for either Rule A or Rule B, so her default time approver and default charge code are used.

Precedence of Results Between Override Rules and Other Settings

If a field in the Results section of an override rule is left blank (and the field does not become populated by a rule of lower precedence as described in Precedence of Results Among Override Rules), the override rule does not affect the value of the field as set elsewhere in Time Management.

For example, each of the four Results fields related to charge codes (see Figure 7-1. Example Override Rule window) can be left blank, set to Yes, or set to No. If a field is left blank, the override rule does not affect charge code settings in the manner described by the field name. If the settings are specified elsewhere, such as on the Work Allocation Charge Code Information page, those settings remain in effect. (For detailed information about the precedence of work allocations, time sheet policies, and override rules in setting charge codes, see Precedence of Setting Charge Codes.)