Translating Descriptions and Reasons in Custom Rule Definition Files

For custom rules for the Suggested Item list, if the values for description and/or reason, which appear as the Description and Reason columns in Suggested Items lists, are to be translated into other languages, a separate suggested items .properties file must be created for each language. After translation, each user sees the description and/or reason text in his or her session language, assuming that language is supported (previously installed) in PPM.

For example, suppose the MyTasksRule.xml custom rule definition file includes tags for description and reason as follows:

<description>MyTasksDesc</description> <reason>MyTasksReason</reason>

A sample file with all lines commented out is provided in the following directory: 


If the custom rule adds tasks from the My Tasks portlet to the Suggested Items list, you could change the content of the sample file to the following:

   # Resource file for translated description and reason for
   # adding tasks in My Tasks portlet to Suggested Items list.
   MyTasksDesc=My tasks
   MyTasksReason=In My Tasks portlet

Content in the .properties files must use the Java standard format of <key>=<value>. If you modify the sample file, remember to remove comment characters (#) as needed.

In the example, note that the keys in the file—MyTasksDesc and MyTasksReason—match the values of the description and reason tags in the MyTasksRule.xml custom rule definition file, as required.

A new .properties file must be created for each language to which the values for the keys (My tasks and In My Tasks portlet in the example) are to be translated.

The names of the .properties files must be appended with “_” followed by a two-character language code from the subset of languages in ISO standard 639-1 that are supported by Oracle. The file names can be further appended with “_” followed by a two-character country code from the subset of codes in ISO standard 3166-1 that are supported by Oracle.


  • for German

  • for Brazilian Portuguese

To prepare for translation, for each language to which content in your file is to be translated, copy your file and append the new language code (for example, _de) to the file name, so that each file name indicates the intended language, and the translations can be performed accordingly.

After translation, the .properties files for all languages must be placed in the following directory:


For more information about using multiple languages in a single installation of PPM, see the Multilingual User Interface Guide.