Configuring Integration Options

The Integration Options are different for a PPM request that is integrated with an ALM defect than for a request that is integrated with a PPM requirement, as described in the following sections.

Options for Integration with an ALM Defect

For an integrated PPM request type and ALM defect, in the Integration Options, select one of the following options as needed:

  • Creating a PPM request automatically creates an associated QC/ALM entity.

    Selecting this option causes the following:

    • Creating or updating a request in PPM creates or updates the associated entity in ALM. Previously configured field mappings and value mappings, if controlled by PPM or bidirectional, apply to the entity in ALM.

    • Creating the PPM request automatically populates the request fields related to ALM.

    • If an ALM user deletes the entity, the integration re-creates the entity in ALM.

    • If a PPM user deletes the request, the association with the entity in ALM is removed but the entity is not deleted.

  • Creating a QC/ALM entity automatically creates an associated PPM request.

    Selecting this option causes the following:

    • Creating or updating a defect in ALM creates or updates the associated request in PPM. Previously configured field mappings and value mappings, if controlled by ALM or bidirectional, apply to the request in PPM.

    • If a PPM user deletes the request, the integration re-creates the request in PPM.

    • If an ALM user deletes the defect, the association with the request in PPM is removed but the request is not deleted.

  • Creating a PPM Center request automatically creates an associated QC/ALM entity, and vice versa.

    Selecting this option causes all results you see in the first two options.

Options for Integration with an ALM Requirement

For integration with an ALM requirement, the Integration Options at the bottom of the Configure QC/ALM Integration for Request Type page are different than for integration with an ALM defect.

To configure the Integration Options for an integrated PPM request type and ALM requirement:

  1. Complete the Default QC/ALM Folder Name field for the ALM requirements associated with the PPM requests.

    If request hierarchy synchronization is not enabled for a request type (see step 2 below), all new requirements that the integration creates when users create requests will be placed in the ALM folder you specify in this field.

  2. Specify the Make QC/ALM requirement hierarchy match PPM request hierarchy option for this request type. This option is also known as request hierarchy synchronization.

    For information about the effect of request hierarchy synchronization, see Request Hierarchy Synchronization .