Configuring Request Types and Workflows for the Integration
This section provides guidelines on how to build request types and workflows that support the integration of PPM with QC/ALM.
To enable integration between PPM requests and QC/ALM projects, you must ensure that the request types and projects have the necessary matching fields and that the workflows use steps that support integration.
ALM bundles provide request types and workflows that use QC/ALM capabilities, and the workflows include the required steps. You can create integration-enabled request types and workflows in any of the following ways:
By using the PPM Workbench to copy the provided ALM request types and workflows, which already contain the request type fields and workflow special commands required for integration, and changing the copies as needed. This is often the easiest approach.
By creating new request types and workflows that incorporate the fields and special commands required for integration.
By customizing your existing PPM request types and workflows by adding the fields and special commands required for integration.
After you configure the required request types and workflows, you map the PPM fields and their valid values to the QC/ALM fields and their valid values.
For detailed information about configuring request types and workflows, see the Demand Management Configuration Guide as necessary.